Fungi Lab: Zygomycota (common mold) 1.Name and describe three kinds of hyphae that make up bread mold Rhizoids = rootlike hyphae that penetrate bread; anchor fungus to bread, release digestive enzymes, absorb nutrients Stolons = stemlike hyphae that run along surface of bread Sporangiophores = form sporangia at tip (spore containing structure)
2. Sketch and label sporangia and hyphae 3. Function of sporangia Produce spores 4. Function of hyphae Absorb nutrients
5. Zygospore formed during asexual or sexual life cycle of zygomycete? Sexual 6. How does bread mold grow in a “clean” kitchen? Mold spores are floating everywhere in the air around us
Basidiomycota (club fungi) 7. How does it get the name “club fungi”? From a specialized reproductive structure that resembles a club 8. What is the scientific name of the “club”? Basidium
9. Function of droplets on the gills Contain and release spores 10. How fairy ring formed? Tree dies at center, mycelium grows outward from central start, then puts up mushrooms
Basidiomycota (club fungi) 11. Sketch and label gilled mushroom— show where spores are produced 12. Why in basidiomycota phylum? Basidium = spore producing 13. Function of mushroom? Reproduction 14. All produce basidium? No
Basidiomycota (club fungi) 15. Puffballs, how spores spread? 16. Bird’s nest fungus, how far does drop bounce? 17. Why would this mechanism help dispersal?
Basidiomycota (club fungi) 18. Where do shelf fungi grow? 19. What is their source of nutrition? Dead wood 20. Sketch underside (white part) of shelf fungus. 21. What event occurs here? Spore production and release
Basidiomycota (club fungi) 22,23. What problems caused by rusts and smuts? Ruin food crops, spots on roses, etc.
Ascomycota (sac fungi) 24. What is yeast in warm water with sugar doing? Respiring (bubbles visible) & Budding (replicating itself) 25. What is process? How useful for bread and beer? Respiration, produces carbon dioxide
Ascomycota 26. How is cup fungi different in appearance from gilled mushroom? No stalk and cap, shaped like cup 27. From what surface do spores come? Top Deuteromycota 28. Where does Penicillium mold grow? On citrus 29. What important medicine from Penicillium mold? Penicillin
Deuteromycota 30. Foot itchy? Contracted which deuteromycete? Athlete’s foot 31. Where is the mycelium? Under surface layers of skin
Fungal Relationships: Lichen 32. How many different species in sample? Approx 3-4 (look for color and texture variations) 33. Slide of lichen: sketch structure 34. Symbiotic relationship between algae and fungus. 35. How does each member benefit? Algae: place to live, collect moisture, be protected Fungus: absorb nutrients as algae dies Algae (red) Fungus
Fungal Relationships: Mycorrhizal fungi 28. What are mycorrhizal fungi? Fungi which form complex relationship with plants 29. How are they important to plants? Bring in water and nutrients Fungi Plant root Extra slide ‘09
Truffles! 30. How is a truffle different than a mushroom? Truffle is underground, mushroom aboveground