The Effects of Space Conditions on the Growth and Catabolic Actions of the Oyster Mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus Principal Investigator: Mark Liang Co- Investigators: Elizabeth O’Neill, Lauren Thai, Sara Wong, Mitchell Hee, Nicholas Truong Teacher Facilitator: Mr. Wyeth Collo School: San Marino High School, San Marino, CA
Background Kingdom: Fungi Mycelia has insulating, remediating, antimicrobial, and renewable properties Used on Earth as a packaging material, building material, and natural filter.
Materials and Supplies Contained Fungi Incubator Sabouraud agar plates Disinfectant Spore Cultures Latex Gloves Surgical Grade Face Masks
Testing For Optimal Fungi Species Agaricus bitorquis – Button Mushroom Pleuotus ostreatus – Oyster Mushoom Agaricus micromethus- Wild Field Mushroom
Growth Experiment Agar inoculated in jars of cooked rye grain with different moisture levels and air flow, to test mycelium growth.
Results On agar dishes, the Oyster Mushroom was the best candidate for growth. In rye jars, moisture levels did not impact growth of mycelium, but air levels did. Higher air flows positively correlated with a faster growth rate of fungi. Fungi was not impaired by light, temperature, and humidity levels. After reaching a growth threshold, all specimens creating fruiting bodies, which actively grew out of jars.
Theories and Real-World Uses Regenerating insulation and Building material Remediation of water and air in competition with pathogens. Cost efficient and environmental sustainable Waste removal and food/medicine source.
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