facebook Bowser is preparing to steal back peach from Mario……AGAIN!!! WallPhotosFlairBoxesBowserLogout View photos of Bowser (5) Send Bowser a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Mushroom kingdom Birthday: May 05, 1985 Political: absolutism Rank: King Koopa Hometown: Mount tokachi, Japan Friends Bowser is preparing kidnap the princess from the castle… January, 2001 Bobby Kennedy to Bowser Have you finalized your plans for the attack on mushroom kingdom daddy? January 1, 2001 Bowser I can’t believe I lost to Mario again because of my stupid tail! June 11, 2000 Bowser is so glad we captured princess peach successfully October 28, 1999 Bowser hopes everyone realizes how serious I am about destroying Mario and his friends!!! September 9, 1999 Bowser wishes that Baby Bowser could have successfully taken care of Mario in isle delfino April 17, 1998 goombakoopaSpiked ko Giga bowser Shy guy Baby bowser
Personal Information facebook Bowser is preparing to steal back peach from Mario……AGAIN!!! WallPhotosFlairBoxesBowserLogout View photos of Bowser (5) Send Bowser a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Mushroom Kingdom Birthday: May 05, 1985 Political: Absolutism Rank: King Koopa Hometown: Mountain Tokachi, Japan Photos Networks: Mushroom Kingdom Sex: Male Birthday: May 05, 1985 Hometown: Mountain Tokachi, Japan Relationship Status: looking for a blonde princess Political Views: Absolutism Rank: King Koopa Activities: Commanding the Koopas, conquering mushroom kingdom, destroying Mario, Interests: Marrying princess peach Favorite Music: dungeon music Favorite Movies: Some Like it Hot, Gentleman Prefer Blondes, Favorite TV Shows: Mythbusters, The Office Favorite Books: how to destroy an Italian man, a guide to conquering kingdoms The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums The Volcano Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 1435 Hidden Volcano avenue Phone Number: (555)
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesBowserLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Bowser 7 Photos JFK’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 5 photos The Volcano 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Bowser is preparing to steal back peach from Mario……AGAIN!!!
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