Demonstrate the ability to evaluate progress toward achieving personal health goals. Example: Demonstrates the ability to evaluate progress toward achieving personal goals for abstaining from the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs Demonstrate the ability to evaluate progress toward achieving personal health goals. Example: Demonstrates the ability to evaluate progress toward achieving personal goals for abstaining from the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs Analyze the influences of family, peers, and community have on the health and health behavior of individuals Analyze the influences of family, peers, and community have on the health and health behavior of individuals Research and evaluate the effect of media and other factors on personal, family, and community health and health behaviors Research and evaluate the effect of media and other factors on personal, family, and community health and health behaviors Demonstrate the ability to evaluate progress toward achieving personal health goals Demonstrate the ability to evaluate progress toward achieving personal health goals Demonstrate the ability to influence and support others in making positive health choices Demonstrate the ability to influence and support others in making positive health choices.
Number one preventable disease and death in the United States.Number one preventable disease and death in the United States. You can become addicted to the nicotine in tobacco.You can become addicted to the nicotine in tobacco. Nicotine also makes your heart rate increase: and contributes to heart disease and stroke.Nicotine also makes your heart rate increase: and contributes to heart disease and stroke.
Smoke from burning tobacco is toxic.Smoke from burning tobacco is toxic. Secondhand smoke in 1992, was classified as a group A carcinogen. This is the most dangerous class of carcinogen.Secondhand smoke in 1992, was classified as a group A carcinogen. This is the most dangerous class of carcinogen. Carcinogen: a cancer-causing substance.Carcinogen: a cancer-causing substance.
Tar: a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns. Tar: a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns. Carbon monoxide: colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas that is taken up more readily by the blood than oxygen.Carbon monoxide: colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas that is taken up more readily by the blood than oxygen. Tar destroys lung tissue and makes them unable to function.Tar destroys lung tissue and makes them unable to function. Carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the bloodCarbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood Depriving the tissues and cells of oxygen Depriving the tissues and cells of oxygen
Smokeless tobacco: is tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth, or chewed.Smokeless tobacco: is tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth, or chewed. It contains: nicotine, 28 carcinogens which is absorbed into the blood.It contains: nicotine, 28 carcinogens which is absorbed into the blood. Leukoplakia: thickened, white, leathery-looking spots on the inside of the mouth that can develop into oral cancerLeukoplakia: thickened, white, leathery-looking spots on the inside of the mouth that can develop into oral cancer Other cancers can develop throat, larynx,esophagus, stomach and pancreas.Other cancers can develop throat, larynx,esophagus, stomach and pancreas.
Short term effects: -changes in brain chemistry, which causes withdrawal symptoms -increased respiration and heart rate -dulled taste buds and reduced appetite - bad breath and smelly hair, clothes, and skin Long-term effects -chronic bronchitis this damages the cilia to the bronchi until it can no longer function, this leads to a buildup of tar in the lungs, causing chronic coughing and excessive mucus secretion yellow teeth develop. -Emphysema: this destroys the tiny air sacs in the lungs. You also have consequences with the law.
Reduced Tobacco use among teens: Antismoking campaigns have made ads to discourage young people from smoking. Financial cost has been a help for people not to start smoking. Societal Pressure: Government have limited smoking in public places. Family influence have affected young adults from smoking. Benefits of living Tobacco Free: o Not smoking lowers your risk for lung cancer. o Non-smokers experience less stress o Helps you to feel better about yourself Reports show that nationally 28 percent of high school students smoke.
Preventing of using tobacco: Choose friends who don’t use tobacco Avoid situations where tobacco products may be used Practice and use refusal skills Why do teens use tobacco? they think it will help them lose weight (BUT IT DOESN’T) Peer Pressure Media Influences Reasons to Give up using Tobacco: Begin to develop health problems Realize the expense of buying tobacco They realize that using tobacco can lead to other risky behaviors They think of other people they are effecting by second hand smoke It’s harder for them to buy tobacco when under the age of 18.
Millions of people have succeeded in their effort to quit the use of tobacco. When most people quit they have nicotine withdrawl Nicotine substitute is a product that delivers small amounts of nicotine into the users system while their in the process of quitting. GETTING HELP and TIPS Get support and encouragement Identify available health- related services in the community Replace tobaccue use with something better for you (sugarless gum,carrots and cinnamon) Change daily behavior Engage in healthy behaviors: a hobby, good nutrition, stress-management techniques.
Risks for Smokers and Nonsmokers: Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or also known as second hand smoke Mainstream smoke:the smoke exhaled from lungs of the smoker. Sidestream smoke:the smoke burning in the end of a cigarette, pipe or a cigar. Sidestream is the most dangerous
Not smoking doesn’t mean your smoke free! Effects of Smoke on Nonsmokers: Every year 3,000 people are dignosed with lung cancer caused by secondhand smoke. Effects of smoke on unborn children: Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen levels in the mother’s and the fetus’s blood which leads to having a risk of impaired fetal growth, miscarriage, prenatal death, premature birth, low birth weight, deformities and stillbirths. Babies of smokers are two and a half tomes more likely to die of sudden infant syndrome. Effects of smoke on Young children: Children of smokers tend to have higher incidence of sore throats, ear infections, and upper respiratory problems than children of nonsmokers. Children who live with smokers have double the risk of developing lung cancer than children of nonsmokers. Children with smokers as parents are more likely to start smoking as well.
Reducing the Risks: Your home smoke free If someone smokes in your house open the windows to let the air circulate. If you are around smoke try to go outside or another room. Sit in nonsmoker area if you have an option. Toward a Smoke-free Society: Many states have taken steps to prohibit smoking in all public buildings and private workplaces. The Department of health and Human services has launched a program called Healthy people 2010 to promote diseases nationwide. One of their goals is to reduce the number of people who use tobacco and of deaths associated with tobacco use.