Units and Measurement Units of concentration ppmM (for solids and Liquids) ppmV (For gases, consider Temp & Pressure) difference between mg/L and ppm Molarity Molality Normality (Concept of Equvalent weight) Acid and Bases (pH = -Log 10 [H + ] Weak acid (less than 100% dissociation) Strong Acids (100% dissociation) Buffers
Mass Balance Batch Reactor CSTR First Order Kinetics Zero Order Kinetics
Dissolution of gases in Water Henrys Law: X A = K H p A – Important to remember: X A is mole fraction of gas in water
Toxicity & Dose Response Mutagen Teratogen attacks Germ Cel Carcinogen (attacks Somatic Cells) Transmissible to Progeny Lead to Cancer (not death necessarily)
Methods to Test Toxicity Epidermiologic Data Analysis From past incidences Love Canal, Kippon Disaster, Chernobile, Bhopal Controlled Animal Testing Use of bacteria to Chipms Controlled Human Studies Doctors office (the free Treatment)
Dose Response Curve Points to Remember Carcinogen: No Threshold LD 50 : 50% of subject dies
How to Calculate Cancer Risk Risk = CDI * Potency factor CDI: Chronic Daily Dose CDI=
Water Quality Soilds Total dissolved solids Suspended Solids Volatile Suspended Soilds Liquid Hardness Alkalinity BOD, BODu, BOD5, BODt
More on Water Quality ThoD: Theoretical Oxygen Demand BOD t =BOD u (1-e -k 1 t ) Temperature Dependence of BOD K T =K 20 (T-20)
Steeter Phelps Equation How to find critical DO and the distance when it happens