$200$300$400$500$100$200$300$400$500$100$200$300$400$500$100$200$300$400$500$100$200$300$400$500$100 DNA & Cancer Carcinogens Types Of Cancer Stem cellsempty
Category 1: $100: A What do we call a lump of cancer cells?
Category 1: $100: Q a tumor
Category 1: $200: A Cancer is when this happens too quickly
Category 1: $200: Q cell division (mitosis)
Category 1: $300: A What we call mistakes in DNA that can lead to cancer
Category 1: $300: Q mutations
Category 1: $400: A Which is the harmful Type of tumor that can spread? a) Benign b) malignant c) inflammation
Category 1: $400: Q malignant
Category 1: $500: A Dr. Folkman did an experiment With the cornea from an eye He found that angiogenesis Happens with a cancerous Tumor. What does this mean?
Category 1: $500: Q Angeogenesis means new blood Vessels will grow to “feed” The tumor.
Category 2: $100: A What is a carcinogen?
Category 2: $100: Q Anything that changes DNA and causes cancer
Category 2: $200: A What is the number one carcinogen in Canada?
Category 2: $200: Q Tobacco Smoke
Category 2: $300: A Some cancers are “genetic”. What does This mean?
Category 2: $300: Q Genetic means passed down From one generation to another (a family history)
Category 2: $400: A What does the term “second hand smoke” mean?
Category 2: $400: Q Second hand smoke means You are breathing in smoke From other people’s cigarettes But YOU are not actually smoking
Category 2: $500: A Daily Double Besides tobacco smoke, Give 3 other carcinogens.
Category 2: $500: Q Daily Double!!! Viruses Food choices Alcohol Sunlight Viruses STDs
Category 3: $100: A What is a gland?
Category 3: $100: Q An organ in your body that makes chemicals like hormones and sweat and oils
Category 3: $200: A What is the job of bone marrow?
Category 3: $200: Q makes new blood cells
Category 3: $300: A Leukemia is a cancer that effects the white blood cells. What do white blood cells do?
Category 3: $300: Q Fight off infection and diseases
Category 3: $400: A The eye
Category 3: $400: Q Where does the cancer “Retino-blastoma” effect?
Category 3: $500: A skin
Category 3: $500: Q Where does the cancer “Melanoma” effect?
Category 4: $100: A The early stages of a baby - after the egg and sperm have come together
Category 4: $100: Q What is an embryo?
Category 4: $200: A Attaches the baby to the mother inside so baby gets nutrients from the mother
Category 4: $200: Q What does the umbilical cord do?
Category 4: $300: A They can divide and become any type of cell
Category 4: $300: Q What is so special about stem cells?
Category 4: $400: A When an egg and a sperm are put together in the lab, then put back into the woman so she might be able to have a baby
Category 4: $400: Q What is IVF (invitro fertilization)?
What is one reason people want to use stem cells? & What is one reason some people think it is wrong? Category 4: $500: A
Category 4: $500: Q Good: Could help cure diseases, help people who are paralyzed ************** Bad: some people think it is wrong to use cells that could eventually become a human baby
Category 5: $100: A
Category 5: $100: Q electrons
Give an example of a good conductor Category 5: $200: A
Category 5: $200: Q Copper metal
Category 5: $300: A What are the main parts inside a battery?
Category 5: $300: Q Electrolyte and anode (-) and cathode (+) metal pieces
Give 2 examples of loads Category 5: $400: A
Light bulb and motor Category 5: $400: Q
Name 3 forms of renewable energy Category 5: $500: A
Hydro, Solar, Geothermal, wind Category 5: $500: Q