Risks from Chemicals Thousands of chemicals in our environment – Many never even tested Pesticides are the 2 nd most rigorous tested products in the world – (#1 are pharmaceuticals)
CCS Position on Chemicals “Whenever possible, exposure to substances that are known, or believed, to cause cancer should be indentified and eliminated by substituting safer alternatives. When elimination is not possible, exposure should be reduced to lowest possible levels” Source: Cancer.ca/…environmental risk factors for cancer
Risk Factors Age Heredity Smoking Diet Weight Limit or reduce alcohol Reduce exposure to UV rays Exposure to hazardous materials } } - Limited in reducing the risk - 42% of new cases and 60% of deaths occur in people >70 yrs Accounts for 45% of all cancers Source: Cancer.ca
Precautionary principle Studies show that pesticide exposure may be associated with cancer risks with adults and children. Although the evidence is not yet conclusive, it is growing and suggestive. According to the precautionary principle, “When an activity raises threats or harm to human health, or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause- and-effect relationship are not yet fully scientifically established” Source: Cancer.ca/…pesticide exposure and cancer
Sources of information for CCS International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization (WHO) US National Toxicology Program (NTP) One more source, US Environmental Protection Agency
Chemicals are everywhere “Your chainsaw produces toxic exhaust fumes as soon as the engine is running, these fumes may be colorless and orderless and contain unburnt hydrocarbons and benzol…. “To reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury from breathing fumes ensure proper ventilation when working in trenches, hollow or confined locations.” Source: Stihl Chainsaw Safety Manual NTP has Benzols as “Clear evidence of carcinogenicity”
Glyphosate rating IARC/WHO and US NTP rating: – Non carcinogenic, non mutagenic, non oncogenic, non teratogenic
EPA classification - Carcinogenicity A : human carcinogen B1 : probable human carcinogen. (human data) B2 : probable (no human data) C : possible human carcinogen D : not classified E : evidence of non-carcinogenicity to humans Glyphosate : group E