51) Ocul - eye
Vessel Ex: vascular tissue 52)Vas-
To shape or mold Ex: Plastic, plasticity, plastic surgery 53) plasticus-
4 54 ) gen-, -gen “to bring to life; to create” genesis, generator, generation, genetics, gene, antigen, mutagen, carcinogen
6 56)-scope “instrument or tool” microscope, telescope, stethoscope, periscope, colonoscopy
7 57)micro- “very small” microbe, microscope, microbiology, microtubule
8 58)lact-, lacto- “milk” lactose (intolerant), lactate, lactobacillus, lactase
9 59)carbo- “containing carbon” carbon dioxide, carbohydrate, carbonize, carbonic (acid)
10 60)oxy- “containing oxygen, O” carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), oxygenate, deoxygenate