Subito copyright and Digital Rights Management by Dr. Traute Braun-Gorgon Lecture on 21st September 2005 in Tallinn © subito e.V. 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

subito copyright and Digital Rights Management by Dr. Traute Braun-Gorgon Lecture on 21st September 2005 in Tallinn © subito e.V. 2005

Decentralized library system in Germany  decentral competence  funding and strategic planning lies with individual federal states  specific areas of collections located decentral Criteria of the german librarianship

Developement of a central cooperation  central specialist libraries  DBI-Link  formation of subito  parallel exist library-own and regional document delivery services

Document delivery service subito Benefit of subito: Copies from articles and books  in all languages  from all countries  from all academic fields

subito society „ subito‘s mission is the advancement of science, research and education by offering direct access to the literature of public academic member libraries using a modern catalogue system and innovative communica- tion technology.“

 a quality product  a uniform internet portal  networked powerful library systems  access to harmonised library catalogues  direct and fast information supply subito offers its customers subito‘s networks

 subito Library Service (SLS)  subito direct customer service (sds)  German for customers from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein  International for customers from non-German speaking countries Our services

Cornerstones of subito Library Service  is a customer of subito  places orders for its users  receives the delivery  delivery of the documents  to the library users  pays the bill The library

Copyright in Germany  The EU directive to harmonise copyright law  Draft of the german government for the implementation of the EU Information Directive Status Quo

 complainants are the German Publishers’ and Booksellers’ Association and Stichting STN  controversial subject is sending of document via Lawsuit against subito I

Lawsuit against TIB Hanover  Copies can be produced by third parties pursuant to § 53 German Copyright Act  Copies can only be produced free of charge  The collecting society VG Wort receives a royalty for each order Court ruling:

 No delivery of articles by or FTP within Germany, Austria and Switzerland  No delivery of articles by fax, and FTP to libraries in Germany and abroad The statement of claim contains the following points: Lawsuit against subito II

Negotiations with publishers The cooperation contract is meant to address the following points:  Deliveries from analogue publications via  Worldwide delivery of publications Changes for customers:  Access via DRM system  Publisher‘s licence

Introduction of a Digital Rights Management  protection of copyrights  no controll functions


DRM – delivery note

DRM – Information on the copyright

DRM - Document

DRM – Login

DRM - active document

DRM – list of all documents

DRM - Reclamation

contact subito society – Head office Cicerostrasse 37 D – Berlin Phone: Thank you for your attention!