Rich Picture of Napster Server 1 Server 2 Client Server.


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Presentation transcript:

Rich Picture of Napster Server 1 Server 2 Client Server

Freenet System Eavesdroppers Competitors System users System Coordinator System Developer Regulations Intellectual Industry Get info from the system! Other systems Copy rights Threats Securit y? Privacy ?

Users Entertainment Industry Competition Legislation Community Investors Like scour, don’t like. Is it illegal?? Can I find files, can I share files, is there a cost? Are they abusing our property? Show me the money! Is this legal, do we take action? How are we the same, how are we different? Business model? Revenue? Lawsuit?Collaboration? Competitive Positioning?

Customers Is this legal? Record Industry Where are our profits and royalties Government Copyright Violations? COMPETITORS Are we next? Files for sharing MP3 Downloads File sharing and downloads Technology Lawsuit Music for direct release Copyright Enforcement Copyright Enforcement Music Cash

Open Source Project open standards increased security beating a monopoly inreased reliabilty Commercial Software Vendors Competition ? Business Aliances ? Compatibility ? Users Security? Reliablity? Support? Release Strategy? Legal Authorities & Acredidation bodies Import/Export regulations? Quality standards? Customer protection? Developers Development speed? Debugging/reviewing? Customer needs? Project Admin Overhead? Closeness to Customer? Marketing? Controll and admission? Merchants Making Money? Business Model

Users Other file Sharing systems Other Open Source systems Regulators Developers Project Coordinator Intellectual Industry Demand? Copyright? Other issues.. Competition? Threat? Contributions ? Powerful tools? Development? Service (information) Traffic (Demand of information) Direction, Requirement Solutions Freenet Information Publishers Information Reliabilit y Security.. ?

Napster, Inc. User Community Industry Copyright infringement? Security? Ease of Use? Value? Bandwidth hog in organization New artist’s music Share Download Monitor Activities

Presented by: Sean Dyer Sherrie Wang

Jabber Open Source Code Programmers, users, public TCP-IP ICQ and its users AIM and its users MS Messenger and its users XML Yahoo IM and its users XML To: Joe Hey Joe- whats’ up - Dave From:Dave Hey Joe- whats’ up - Dave To: Mike Hey Mike- whats’ up - Dave Form; Dave Hey Mike- whats’ up - Dave Company A We need an IM System!! Implementation, distribution and Customization Services Jabber - Open Source IM By: S. Bubar Source Code Open Source? Does that make for better software? Don’t we need to be able to talk with all IM systems Open Source? Isn’t it unstable? Who’ll make sure it works?

SCOUR.COM Software Developers Web Developers Marketing & Sales Operations Online Media Interface SourceXchange End-user Growing, Interconnected Scour Community Competitors: Gnutella & Napster INVESTORSINVESTORS

CEO Nepster FinanceMarketingOperation Production Development New Artists Exposure Court Users Variety/Easy Download/ Community BuildingCompetitors Industry Standard/Sustanibility/ Revenue Stream Engineering /Support Product lines User friendly Product Lines PR Brand Awareness Partnership Artists Label Relationship Systems/HR Systerm Implement Business Solution Supplier Relationship Budget/Cost IPO

Open Global File Sharing Systems (OGFSS) Rich Picture for Scour Exchange Participants  Availability of files I want to download  Downloading time (other system requirements)  Free files Download program Search Organized Media files in media library  Would I still have a job in a year  Pay=risk Employees Search  The web - Online Partners (media sites, i.e., Emusic, Pseudo, etc.) Media files: mp3, video, images, etc.  US Government  Enforcement of Intellectual Property laws.  Need new laws?  Entertainment industry Threats to Intellectual property = $s lost? SCOUR EXCHANGE  ‘Search Engine'  Recognize IP laws  Open development program  Proprietary technology (search, exchange and index)  Advertisers Exposure to potential customers  Reach the right audience for product?  Ad costs  Revenues $  Other peer-to- peer sites Legal problems Other search engines Competitors Saturated market? Key differentiators? Open-Source Development Open Communities Source code and license Chat Bulletin Boards

Napster Rich Picture User PC User PC User PC User PC Napster Server Software Chat Rooms Instant Messaging Hit Lists User PC User PC User PC Pool of music lovers (potential users) I’m looking for Backstreet Boys I have Backstreet Boys!!! Go ahead and download it. Metalica, Dr. Dre. & other artists US Legal System

Ventural capitalist Profit, ROI, risk? Scour Profit? Long term growth? Management data Corporate strategy New product Development plan Marketing dept. Web developer; Software engineer Financial goal Finance departemnt resources adminitration Need more resource Do we have most up-to-date tools? We don’t have enough user Feedback. Current Clinents—advertisers: Quest,…; And potential clients. End users competetiors marketing Government & Recording companies Copyright infrigement? Lawsuit? Website interface Product offering analyst Proftability? Sustainability ?

2. Open Systems Business Models (OSBM) Rich Picture for Red Hat Inc. $  Pay = risk for new business model Employees  Availability of files I want to download  Downloading time (other system requirements)  Free Customers  Competitors  Return on investment on software development  Market share Partners - Application vendors, solutions providers, service providers, platform vendors, embedded developers  Market share  Source code and free license Support OPEN-SOURCE DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT - GPL RED HAT  Assemble 400 software packages into a useful OS  Branding/Reputation  New business model = competitive adv?  Market size  Market positioning Red Hat Linux OS: Customizable Brand Convenient $  Retailers/ Distributors/ Resellers $ Support Product Certification Programs Joint Marketing Source code and free license Support $

Napster- enaling musicians and music fans to locate bands and music available in MP3 format. Napster also has instant messaging, chat rooms and Hot List user bookmarks. 45 employees. Shares files from 1 interface. Board of Directors – Hank Barry interim CEO; John Hummer, Shawn Fanning, Founder; Milton E Olin Jr., Chief Operating Officer; Edward Kessler, VP Engineering; Lyn Jensen, CFO and VP of Operations; Don Dodge, VP of Product Development; Elizabeth Brooks, VP of Marketing; Board Strategy IT Marketing Government Musicians User Software User How do I get Musicians to support us? How do we make $$$ at this? How do I use Napster to generate $$$? Is this lawful? How do I get them to stop?

Gnutella www/Users P2P Info. Sharing Free Movies and Songs Developers Open- Source Softwar e Copyright Infringement Record & Movie Producers Lost revenues vs. Exposure Artists & Entertainers Courts Copyrights vs. Open-Source MP3 Mfgs. Product Sales Medium for File Sharing (Data) goods Enjoyment Goods Competition Open-Source Standard

Sell, sell, sell !!! Internet Community Napster Free songs!!! MP3 Player Producers, etc. Facilitate Artists/writers Money, fame!!! Record Industry Protect IP Sell, sell, sell !!! NAPSTER Stakeholders Government Brand, “loss leader”!!! Other file sharing services

Gnutella 

Rich Picture for FreeNet Freenet Host/User Freenet User Do I have privacy of authorship? What machine and operating system do I need to host it How do I get files I’m interested in? Do I have privacy of readership? Government Intervention Developers Attackers How do I stop a file from being shown Attackers

Rich picture of Present Customers Potential Clients Other Instant Messaging Services Customer relationship Market focus? Enough interaction? Market Research Top Management Developer Market Data Attract Customer Issues Attract Customer How to gain Mtk. Share Attract Solutions How to get the best value? Compete technically in the XML based services beyond IM Developer community Inter-operable? Extensible? Open Standard XML? Profit? Survival? Admin Cash enough? Productivity? Company Strategy Dhruba Improper focus? Concepts Resource Develop open standard XML

Ian Clarke Change the world! Democracy! I’m losing control because of FreeNet Censors RIAA By: John Gibson


USER/ NODE 1 USER/ NODE 3 USER/ NODE 2 USER/ NODE 4 USER/ NODE N NETWORK/ INFORMATION POOL NEW USER/ NODE (N+1) EXITING USER/ NODE (N-1) FREENET SOFTWARE/ REQUIREMENTS EFFICIENT ROUTING ALGORITHM INFORMATION LOST DESIGN GOALS 1) Anonymity of both producers and consumers of information 2) Deniability for storers of information 3) Resistance to attempt by third parties to deny access to information 4) Efficient dynamic storage and routing of information 5) Decentralization of all network functions CONCERNS 1) Legal/ Law 2) Security 3) Variation in number of nodes and node capability 4) Information lost FREENET Minh Q. Ho 10/12/00 System Analysis Assignment #2 Rich Picture

Rich Picture of Napster Napster RIAACurrent Investors US Government Potential Investors Artists / Labels Fans / Napster Users Capital Investment Profits Profits? Lawsuits ? Capital Investment Profits Profits? Lawsuits ? Copyright infringemen t Take action? Future precedence. Lawsuit Support Lawsuit Free Music

Government Entertainment Industry Customers Software Employees Lost Revenue Copyright Laws President Why is this wrong? File Exchange Copyright Laws Free Stuff! How long will I have a job? SCOUR.COM

Gnotella Rich Picture

CEO Nepster FinanceMarketingOperation Production Development New Artists Exposure Court Users Variety/Easy Download/ Community BuildingCompetitors Industry Standard/Sustanibility/ Revenue Stream Engineering /Support Product lines User friendly Product Lines PR Brand Awareness Partnership Artists Label Relationship Systems/HR Systerm Implement Business Solution Supplier Relationship Budget/Cost IPO