Marion County History and Future Presiding Judge, Marilyn A. Moores Chief Magistrate Gary Chavers Deputy Chief Probation Officer Christina Ball Juvenile Justice Advocate Jenny Young
What is JDAI? A system reform effort focused on eliminating the overuse of secure detention while ensuring public safety Ensuring that the right kid is detained Data driven Increased collaboration with stakeholders Transparency in system where possible JDAI is a Public Safety Initiative!
Why and how was JDAI created? “The Broward County Project” ( ) The “Broward County Project” was birthed in 1988 from a lawsuit regarding the “Conditions of Confinement” of youth in Broward County’s Detention facilities. In response to the lawsuit an objective test or assessment was created which was designed to determine which youth should be detained and which should be released. “Demonstration” ( ) After researching, designing and gathering outcomes data from the Broward County Project, the AECF implemented JDAI into four Demonstration sites where overcrowding, inhumane living conditions, and safety were a concern. Santa Cruz, CA, Cook Co., IL, and Multnomah Co., OR,
How was JDAI created? “Data Dissemination” (1999) AECF collected data from the four Demonstration Sites “Initial Replication” (2000) Replication started with measurable outcomes from Data collected “Replication to Scale” (2001-Present) JDAI Replications across 30 states and over 130 sites nation-wide. By 2012, JDAI will be in over 40 states.
JDAI Objectives Eliminate the inappropriate or unnecessary use of secure detention; Minimize re-arrest and failure-to-appear rates pending adjudication; Ensure appropriate conditions of confinement in secure facilities; Redirect public finances to sustain successful reforms; and Reduce racial and ethnic disparities.
8 Core Strategies of JDAI’s Detention Reform 8 Core Strategies of JDAI’s Detention Reform Strategy #1: “Collaboration” Strategy #2: “Use of Data” Strategy #3: “Objective Screenings Tools” Strategy #4: “Alternatives to Secure Detention” Strategy #5: “Expedited Case Processing” Strategy #6: “Special Cases” Strategy #7: “Eliminate Disproportionality” Strategy #8: “Improve Conditions of Confinement”
Reasons for Marion County’s partnership with AECF: Overcrowding Unfavorable Conditions Allegations of Sexual Misconduct Over 80% in detention were held on misdemeanor’s or D Felonies our partnership developed with The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Who is responsible for implementing JDAI? Everyone!!!! Internal and External stakeholders must collaborate in order to affect positive change for our youth and our community. Committees responsible for advancing JDAI in Marion County are comprised of judges, public defenders, prosecutors, IMPD, probation, mental health professionals, professors, clergy, non-profit agencies, attorneys, and many more.
Marion County’s JDAI Collaborative JDAI Steering Committee Admissions Sub- Committee Alternatives to Detention Sub- Committee Case Processing Sub-Committee Conditions of Confinement Sub-Committee Disproportionate Minority Contact Sub-Committee Looking at every decision point with a Racial Lens Internal and External Stakeholders Community Engagement Data Driven Responses
Focus of JDAI Reform Efforts in Marion County Creation of a Reception Center Re-engineering of Initial Hearing Court Creation of a Risk Assessment Instrument Expansion of Alternatives to Secure Detention Reduction of Detention Population to ensure the right kids are detained. Working to reduce Disproportionate Minority Confinement
Reception Center Divert low-risk youth from formal court system through provision of: Crisis intervention De-escalation Family Reunification Referrals to community-based services Follow-up contact with families Eligible offenses include status offenses, B & C misdemeanors, shoplifting, and intra-family disputes Pilot began July 2007 with community-based nonprofit (Choices, Inc./YES) in 2 police districts Moved in-house and expanded city-wide in January 2010 when YES closed In 2010, 3,021 youth were served through the Reception Center, and 62% of those youth were not seen again within the year. OJJDP Evaluation: 10% less re-arrest rates Longer period of time between re-arrest No increase in offense type
Initial Hearing Court July 2007: Re-engineered Initial Hearing Court Gate-keeping function All youth with scores of 6 and above have court the next day in the afternoon Court approves filing of petition based on probable cause AND best interest of child and/or community Petitions Not Authorized (% of filed cases): 2008: 921 (10.43%) 2009: 936 (11.72%) 2010: 555 (7.84%)
Detention Risk Assessment Instrument (DRAI) Measures risk of re-offense and risk of failing to appear Three categories: low (0-5), moderate (6-11), and high (12- above) Low: Unconditional Release Moderate: Release w/Conditions High: Detain
Alternatives to Detention Programs designed to provide supervision in the community for kids pending adjudication Ensure public safety Improve outcomes for youth An average of 473 kids are supervised in alternatives to detention each day 3,563 kids were supervised in an alternative program during 2011 Kids remain in alternative programs an average of 47 days
Current Alternatives Supervised Release Curfew 5, 7, and 9 pm Home Confinement Evening Reporting Centers Day Reporting Electronic Monitoring Home phone Cell Unit GPS Shelter Care
2012 Promising Outcomes Release ConditionFailure to Appear RateRecidivism Rate Supervised Release Curfew Home Confinement Evening Reporting Day Reporting Electronic Monitoring Shelter Care Total3.5%12.9%
Detention Statistics 48.7% reduction in Average Daily Population
Detention Statistics
70.3% reduction in total admissions 2000 – 2012
“Conditions Of Confinement” Statistics for the Detention Center
Effect on Public Safety Total # of detention admissions: 2005 = 4, = 1, % REDUCTION Average daily population in secure detention: 2005 = = % REDUCTION Total # of delinquency referrals: 2005 = 8, = 6, % REDUCTION
Marion County: DMC at a Glance Youth Population 2009 Data for Youth Ages Years Detention Population 2012 ADP for Youth Ages Years Puzzanchera, C., Sladky, A. and Kang, W. (2009). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations: " Online. Available:
Efforts to Reduce DMC Relationship with the W. Haywood Burns Institute began in 2010 Now relying on Data and using it correctly to direct action DMC Committee has more than 30 members representing numerous community agencies Community Engagement and Collaboration is a primary focus IMPD Training Community Town Hall School Collaborative Pilot Project
Focus for 2012: Continuous Improvement Institutionalizing JDAI Community Engagement and Collaboration Detention Center Conditions of Confinement Assessment 2 nd Validation of our Detention Risk Assessment Instrument (DRAI) Evaluation our Alternatives to Detention Strengthening partnerships with Marion County schools Aiding in the expansion of JDAI Statewide Collaboration with IMPD