A Public Official Appointed by and elected official Ethics issues Fiduciary issues Removal from office ??
Now I Have Been Appointed What is a housing authority? Who are the other members of the board? Why all of the rules. Why orientation? What are the dynamics of the board? Roles, Leaders, Followers, Critics, Supporters?
What Are My Basic Needs Bylaws Budgets Audits Major Policies: ACOP, Admin Plan, Personnel, Procurement, etc.
The Team Only the team has the power and authority to act. The Executive Director is a member of the team. The Director works for the “Board”, not a member of the “Board”.
Team Building Retreats Self Evaluations Listening skills Explaining positions on issues Being friends with other members Be honest: tell other members when you agree as well as when you disagree. AND WHY!!
Problem Areas Disagreements: don’t carry over to next issue Respect for all members and employees Voting Blocks, Cliques There will be split votes: unanimous not always the best. Accept majority or work to negotiate and change: leave disagreements at the table.
Role of the Board Sets policy Hires director to manage the organization Achieving the balance of leading and delegating Monitoring, receiving reports, asking questions Fiduciary duty to HUD
Monitoring and Evaluating Short/Long term plans: measurable indicators Finances: bottom line Vacancies Executive Director Health of the authority What will make us better? Become an advocate for the agency
Policies How do we develop? Need for action. Broad or narrow? Policy or procedure? Facts gathered Issues deliberated Policy written Reviewed regularly Watch for unintentional consequences
MOTOR VEHICLES Do we have a policy? What are some problems with private use of vehicles? Liability issues IRS issues and reporting
CREDIT CARDS Do we have a policy? Who tracks? What paperwork is required? Who monitors and reports? Personal use: ok to just repay?
The Director Helps the board do its job Implements policies and reports Responsible for day-to-day operations Represents the organization Hires, disciplines, supervises, educates, evaluates and promotes/demotes employees Manages the finances REPORTS TO BOARD: ACCURATE REPORTS
Board and ED Relationship ED duty to Board Part of the board team Reports: not only reports as requested, but anything he/she thinks relevant to overall operation of authority ED has one boss: the full board.
Relationship Continued Board has only one employee: the ED Watch for trouble in getting involved with management Reports from residents, other employees What do I do to stay out of trouble? But what if serious allegation made about the ED?
Staff Relationships Chain of Command Don’t allow staff to “short circuit” the chain Remind staff about proper channels for making complaints or grievances Watch out for “witch hunts”
Grievances/Complaints Have a policy for reporting Have a policy for discrimination, retaliation, protected communications Investigation and disposition: ED responsible except for allegations against him/her Let the ED know about any concerns or complaints that come directly to you other than against him/her Let ED handle the problem !!!
Staff Recognition Board should be concerned about the staff And give recognition to the staff: attaboys
Board Meetings Team is responsible for good meetings Prepare Attend Be on time Take part Work together Work toward compromise
The Meeting Begin on time Let someone know if you will not be there Stick to the agenda Don’t use the meeting as a soapbox Staff present? Attorney present? Open Meetings Law
Reports What do we need? When do we want them? Privacy and confidential information issues
Staff Involvement Who do we need? Ask for reports in advance Consider a cut-off for questions: noon on Friday, etc??? Issues: overtime, preparation, etc.
The Agenda How generated? Add-on items, deletions What do we do about public comments? What action should the chair take? Look in Bylaws
Public Comments Have on agenda Sign up sheet Action taken Time limit Why wait until board meeting to talk about grass cutting and weeds?
Becoming and Remaining Successful Know your policies Be ethical Make other members successful Check legal papers: cooperation agreement, Bylaws, Incorporation, ACC, Proof of Insurance
Working with New Members Orientation Answer questions Make him/her productive ASAP
Planning with Staff Board retreat Budget planning Ideas Policy needs Getting input and LISTEN Five year and Annual Plans
A Crisis Develops HUD letters Lawsuits Media issues Bad publicity WHAT DO WE DO?
Who is the Official Spokesperson? Who is it? What do I say? Who do I notify? What is the “chain”
Staying Informed Legal reports: executive sessions? Insurance issues: working with the company Know your strategy Let ED know what you really do need to be successful
Board Self Appraisals Do we need one? Separate program !!!!!
If Things Go South !! What do I do? What can I do? What should I do?
Conclusion Be a “TEAM” Listen Be individuals, but collective Negotiate and compromise Act of the majority is the act of the board Watch for ethics “Appearance of impropriety” Enjoy your service.