Add this to your notes: Conceit = A literary device term used for an elaborate or strained figure of speech, usually a metaphor or simile.
Highlight: Puritan Influence #2 Puritan Influence #4 Re-read the Poem Know: The main metaphor (extended metaphor) being used The different comparisons The significance about the first two stanzas Main attitude throughout … does it change? Describe the clothing being made What does the speaker ask for?
Re-read the story Know: Purpose / audience (pg 56) Cause of most deaths The conversation between passengers and crew of the Mayflower What made Samoset so amazing Setters attitude change toward Native Americans Highlight: Page 60 #7 Page #1 Page 64 #13 Page 74 – Literary Analysis #1 (also on page 56)
Add to your notes: Omnipotent - having unlimited power; able to do anything Prudence - cautiousness
Re-read the sermon Know: What it is about Why the author wrote it What was the purpose Authors attitude at the beginning and at the end Main message Authors views on congregation Images used Contrasting images used for God’s wrath
Re-read the poem Know: Central idea / main idea Who is being addressed in the poem? The emotions being expressed How can her husband repay her? How will her husband be rewarded?
Add to your notes: Manifold - many and various Recompense - compensation or reward given Highlight: Puritan Influence #1