Recap: Vowels & Consonants V – central “sound” of the syllable C – outer “shell” of the syllable (C) V (C) (C)(C)(C)V(C)(C)(C)
Recap: Vowels & Consonants V – central “sound” of the syllable C – outer “shell” of the syllable
Consonants 3 features: Manner Place Voicing
Consonants Daniel Currie Hall anhall/phonetics/sammy.html
How much constriction? plosive: completely blocked fricative: partly blocked approximant: slightly hindered nasalization Does the air flow through both the nose and the mouth, or just the mouth? 1 Manner of Articulation Consonants: 3 phonetic features affricate: plosive + fricative
Plosive (stop) Fricative Affricate Nasal Lateral Approximant 1 Manner of Articulation Consonants: 3 phonetic features
2 Place of Articulation Consonants: 3 phonetic features Where in the mouth does the constriction occur? What parts of the mouth are involved (lips, teeth, tongue, roof of the mouth)?
bilabial labiodental dental alveolar palatal velar glottal 2 Place of Articulation Consonants: 3 phonetic features
2 Place of Articulation Consonants: 3 phonetic features Plosives: bilabial alveolar velar (palatal)
3 Voicing Consonants: 3 phonetic features Are the vocal chords vibrating or not? fortis lenis -
FORTISLENIS length voicing strength aspiration glottalization unvoiced often voiced longer shorter strongerweaker not aspirated not glottalized may be glottalized may be aspirated
FORTISLENIS voicing unvoiced often voiced aspiration not aspirated may be aspirated
English p h b French p b Fortis Lenis PIE BUY PEAU BEAU Icelandic p h p PATI BATI
pin penni spin spenni bin benni
bay labour lip closure release labba pay, páll bein no voicing voicing
VOT Voice Onset Time