“Prayer Spoken While Presenting an Infant to the Sun” Emma Birky, Kaity Gaskill, Joselyn Simms
Background - Zuni New Mexico Discovered and named by Fray Marcos de Miza Pueblo Indians Were influenced by Catholic missionaries
Background Cont’d Cycle of religious ceremonies Earth Mother, Sun Father, and Moonlight-Giving Mother Sun is seen as giver of life Friendly towards Americans, jealous of Mexicans, hate Navajo - “bitter enemies”
Background Cont’d Spoke Zuni, but no written literature Passed on traditions through tales, myths and legends Culture dependant upon oral literature Much of culture is lost because stories have been forgotten What oral stories were you told as a child?
“Prayer Spoken While Presenting an Infant to the Sun” Reflection of times: Pre-Civil War – Civil War = many Indian tribes being forced out of land, onto reservations This caused death of Indian cultures Important: Shows that culture is dying because it is one of the few stories the Zuni have left
“Prayer Spoken While Presenting an Infant to the Sun” Meaning of title Prayer Eight days after birth, presented infant to Sun Father
“Prayer Spoken While Presenting an Infant to the Sun” Symbol: passing of life from one generation to the next. Where is evidence of this? Last stanza: What happens when “your road is fulfilled”? What modern traditions reflect the Zuni culture?