Learning Objective: use commas quotes in writing Do gestures with students. For comma do turning motion with right hand over left hand. For quotes use two fingers from each hand to show the quotes and move fingers up and down. What are we going to do? Ask three non-volunteers
What are we Identifying today? Use commas in direct quotations Have students share with partners the objective then call on 3 non volunteer to share today’s objective
The Importance of using commas in direct quotations Using dialogue really makes writing interesting. Read the importance and have students share other reasons why it is important to know how to use commas in direct quotations.
Discuss with your partner where to place the commas? Sam loves to eat cookies cake and ice cream! Allow students to share with partners. Have A tell B and B tell A. Walk around and make sure students are sharing ideas Allow about 2 minutes for discussion Then call on a volunteers to share responses
Using commas in quotes Commas are used to set off/separate the exact words of a speaker from the rest of the sentence. Example: “Today we are going to study about the water cycle” the teacher told the class. Concept development Review the use of quotation marks, example used when someone is talking What roll does the comma play: We need to use a comma to separate what is being said from who is saying it. Call on non volunteer to repeat what we have discussed All students to discuss meaning of cause and effect text structure and call on a non volunteer to share meaning Introduce signal words Have students o discuss some of the signal words and call on a non volunteer go to next slide
Using commas in quotes Commas are used to set off/separate the exact words of a speaker from the rest of the sentence. Example: "Today we are going to study about the water cycle," the teacher told the class. Concept development
Rules for using commas If the quote comes before the speaker tag and tells something, place a comma after the quote, before the closing quotation mark Example: "Today we are going to study about the water cycle," the teacher told the class. 2. If the quote comes after the person who spoke and tells something, place the comma after the person who spoke, before the opening quotation mark. Read example sentence Do a think aloud on identifying signal words and ask self question “ does this passage tell what happens and why it happened” Review non-example: tell students to discuss with partner why this is not a cause and effect passage. Call on a volunteer to share what they discussed Ask a volunteer if they think they know what text structure it is and why Example: Amber said, "We use water for so many things."
3. If the quote comes before the speaker tag and asks something or exclaims something , then a question mark or exclamation mark is used in place of the comma. Example "Why don't we ever run out of water?" Sam asked. 4. If the quote comes after the speaker tag and uses strong emotion, place the comma after the person who spoke. Example: Mark chirped in, "With evaporation, condensation, and precipitation occurring all the time, we will never run out of water!"
Last Rule Promise 5. A quote separated by the speaker tag is called a split quotation. Begin the first part of a split quotation with a capital letter, and end with a comma. Place a comma after the person who spoke and begin the second part of a split quotation with a lower case letter. Enclose both parts of the split quotation with quotation marks Example: "Yes class," the teacher explained, "the water cycle provides us with the water we need and it never ends."
Let’s Practice Commas in Quotes Click on Commas in Quotes and it will take you to a special web sight http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/j/commasinquotesp.cfm The students will be able to practice by picking the correct answer. Model for the first sentence Sentence (2) Call on non- volunteers for steps 1 and 2 model step 3 Sentence (3) Don’t tell students steps let them work in partner to come up with answers and then call on non-volunteers to tell answers and how they came up with their answers
What did learn today? How to use Why is it important to know how to use commas in quotes? Closure Ask students following questions What did we learn today? How to use commas in quotes. Why is it important to know how to use commas in quotes?
Closure “Watch out for that car” yelled Tom. 2. Mom asked “Did you take out the trash?” 3. Tim replied, “I enjoy doing math” 4. “Today we will play with blocks” answered the teacher. Using white boards have the student tell you if the sentence is correct or if it need to be corrected. If you do not want to use white boards then thumbs up if correct and cross hands if it needs to be corrected Release students into independent practice if 80% of students understand remain in guided practice if students do not understand