WHO is God? About 1/3 of world population believes in Jesus of the Bible 2/3 believe in something else Islam – 21% Nonreligious – 16% Hindu – 14% Other – 16%
Why the God of the Bible? Back to Basics January - A Study of God
World Views Atheism – no God Pantheism – God is everything Panentheism – God is IN everything Deism – God is not involved Polytheism – many gods Finite godism – God is limited Theism – one God who is involved in the world and cares
World Views Which concept is true? Either we disprove all that are not (problem – what if you miss one?) Or we prove what IS true We will use the latter approach. By establishing why the God of the Bible, all others will be eliminated
Why God of the Bible? Revelation – we know who God is because He reveals Himself! Rom. 1:20, Psalm 19:1- 2, Heb. 1:1-2 Isaiah 45:18-21
Why God of the Bible? Character of the Bible Claims to be from God – 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:20-21, etc.
Why God of the Bible? Character of the Bible Unity of the Bible 1600 years, 40 authors from different backgrounds, 3 languages – yet it is one message without contradiction. Shows design!
Why God of the Bible? Character of the Bible Its Relevance – still useful today! 1 Pet. 1:24
Why God of the Bible? Prophecy Only God can tell what is going to happen with certainty (because He controls it) Deut. 18:22
Why God of the Bible? Prophecy Isaiah 41:21-23 Isaiah spoke of immediate events He spoke of kingdoms yet future ( Isa. 13:17-19, 44:28- 45:1 ) He spoke of our Lord – ( Isa. 52:13-53:12, etc. )
Why God of the Bible? Prophecy Psalm 22 – speaks of Jesus as one looking down from the cross Daniel – prophesies of the 4 empires from Babylon to Rome Cf. Dan. 2:44
Why God of the Bible? Miracles A miracle is an action that transcends natural law. Only a force greater than natural law can accomplish such. The Bible speaks of miracles – which cannot be denied. They verified the message – cf. Matt. 9:1-8
Why God of the Bible? Scientific accuracy The Bible is ahead of the scientific verification process. Heb. 11:3 – atoms Isa. 40:22 – round earth Gen. 15:5 – innumerable stars Acts 17:26 – one blood Psa. 8:8 – paths of the sea
Why God of the Bible? The Impact of the Bible Has survived more than 2 millenniums of efforts to destroy it. Still #1 best seller Changes lives and nations Thought: If not relevant, why so much effort by its enemies to destroy it?
The God of the Bible He cares about us personally John 3:16, etc. Other belief systems find an impersonal, indifferent or uncaring god.
The God of the Bible He has revealed Himself to us Atheism – no God! Eastern thought – men left to guess who he is Finite godism – God is flawed. How can we rely on Him? Judaism – law completed Islam – Allah NOT compatible with God of the Bible.
The God of the Bible The Bible emphasizes ONE true God. Exodus 20:3, Isa. 43:10-11, Eph. 4:4-6, 1 Cor. 8:6 IF the Bible is true, there is NO other god!
Do you believe in the God of the Bible? Do you believe Him?