CQC inspections: What have we learnt from it? Claire McAllister, Clinical and Contracts Manager, Rodericks Limited
Let’s meet Claire... Dentistry background 25 years Started work as a trainee dental nurse at the age of 16 Nurse trainer Head nurse Practice Manager Area Manager What is Claire’s role now?
Rodericks Limited Rodericks is a dental corporate 52 dental practices over a wide geographical area All of these are NHS practices WHY ARE WE HERE TODAY? - Because Rodericks has had over 25 CQC inspections!
Types of CQC inspections we have had Rodericks has now had 3 different types of inspections Pre compliance Pre opening inspection 30 compliance inspections How has Claire been involved?
Pre compliance visit Why did this come about? What happened? Staff training records Cross infection procedures for outcome 8
What was learnt from this visit? Inspector was very impressed with our complaints process/cross-infection process Reinforced our understanding of compliance Were we interpreting the guidance correctly?
Pre-opening inspection Documentation inspection Walked around the building – looked at disabled access/private area/ decontamination rooms/surgeries /recruitment process Asked us to explain how we thought we were compliant?
What was learnt from this visit? Interpreting the guidance correctly? Assessor’s opinion? Evidence demonstration? Did they explain a compliance visit and how this would work? What did we need to do? Staff training? CQC Outcomes /Mental Capacity Act / Child Protection / Equality & Diversity / Fire safety
Compliance Visits A lot of the visit was based around outcomes 1, 2 4, 7, 8, 16 and 17 Did they give you any details? Given 24 – 48 hours notice Longest visit was 7 hours long! Shortest visit was 2 hours (by same person who had visited 3 of our sites before) Happy to work around the dentist diary
Visit overview Observed reception team / spoke to patients in the waiting room Walk around with the practice manager Looked at paperwork Selected patient to interview Interviewed dentist in surgery Interviewed Dental nurse in surgery Observed them in decontamination room Looked for items in the action plan Gave feedback
So, who is the inspector? Removing the mystery from the mythical!
Background of assessors Ex-military policemen Ex-policemen Ex-care home mangers Dentists Complaints ombudsman Each person has a different approach
To illustrate? Dentists? What did they look at? Care home managers? What did they look at?
Some opening introductions? Some shocking opening introductions! Conflicting advice and views For instance? CRB evidence / pre employment/ enhanced / standard / length held etc?
What have we learnt? How to plan for future visits Have certain paperwork ready Prep staff Example: Member staff said they’d had no training!
What have we implemented? Carrying out procedures, but could not prove this! Staff training Signed log sheets