Scottish Transitions Forum Association for Real Change - Scotland
The Scottish Transitions Forum The Scottish Transitions Forum began in It now has over 200 members that meet every 3 to 4 months in either Glasgow or Edinburgh. The membership of the forum consists of a wide range of individuals but primarily 3rd sector. Membership of the Scottish Transitions Forum is open to anyone who is committed to improving the transit ions for young people with additional support needs.
The Principles Of Good Transitions Practice Document – Why? Young people moving through transitions are not a homogenous group and come from a wide range of different circumstances. This document has been developed by members of the Scottish Transitions Forum (ARC Scotland) with the aim to inform policy and to fundamentally change the way we do things in Scotland in the area of youth transitions, from the top down and the bottom up. We need to help young people and their carers achieve positive outcomes through greater Personalisation, independence, choice and control of the transitions process.
The Principles Of Good Transitions Practice Document – How? The document was developed from : existing policy reviews and academic literature. consultation with forum members. Consultation with families. Case studies. Consultation with civil servant teams and departments.
Principles of Good Transitions evidence base HMIe report to Scottish Ministers: Review of the Additional Support for Learning Act November 2010 A critical review and analysis of current research and policy relating to disabled children and young people in Scotland: A report to Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Professor Kirsten Stalker, Dr Lio Moscardini, April Education (Additional Support for Learning) Act 2009 Amended codes of practice and legislation The Right Help at the Right Time in the Right Place. Strategic Review of Learning Provision for Children and Young People with Complex Additional Support Needs. Doran Review November 2012 MCMC reports : School to Post School Transitions for children and young people with additional support needs (Haughey, 2011); Summary Report of review of support for young people with Additional Support Needs (2012)
Principles of Good Transitions Additional Resources used Getting it Right For Every Child Various Guidance and literature Children and Young People Bill Self Directed Support Bill (now Act) Early Years Framework Curriculum for Excellence Opportunities for all More Choices More Chances Care Coordination Network Literature. Children's Legislation – Broad Spectrum Adult Legislation – Broad Spectrum Education (Additional Support for Learning) Act 2009 Amended codes of practice and legislation Integration literature (20/20 vision and the released upcoming public services bill)
Principles of Good Transitions - Members feedback To ensure the findings represented what was happening in the “real world” we consulted across our membership across Scotland. This was done via web-surveys and face to face discussions with members at various events to help make sure that the solutions to the issues were grounded in real practice experiences. We also spoke at length to various academic experts in the fields of Looked after Children, Disability and Children's Rights
The Principles Of Good Transitions Practice - Findings The Scottish Transitions Forum identified 9 key problems (and corresponding solutions) faced by young people in transition and their carers in Scotland. We have called these THE BIG 9.
Transition problems Person centred Planning is often lacking Lack the voice of young people Planning starts too late Lack of support for future transitions Lack of information for carers and young people Confusing legislative and policy framework Support is not coordinated between services Too many young people not eligible for support Confusing language “THE BIG 9 ”
Transition Solutions Embed Person centred planning (in its truest sense) Advocacy, representatio n and citizenship Start planning early proportionatel y Support for transitions planning until 25 Accessible, proportionate relevant information Dedicated Legislative/pol icy team that’s explores links Education leads with dedicated local authority transitions teams Early intervention model – Outcome led assessment Standardise language across fields
The Principles Of Good Transitions Practice – Currently The document has included changes to it from the Autism Strategy to represent the concerns of this group pre publication. The views have been taken to the Advisory Group for the Additional Support for Learning to look at improving transitions (Scottish Government). Skills Development Scotland are exploring potential service improvement in light of the information. National Managed Clinical Network for Children with Exceptional Health Care Needs are exploring how these principles will effect health care transitions.
Steps for Next Revision Gather evidence from case studies presented from members and partner agencies across Scotland. To promote positive practice within member agencies. To engage with Local Authorities to explore options for improving on current transitions pathways within Health, Social Care and Education. To develop an evaluation tool in partnership with members, based on the principles document. To continue a film project, creating a resource that captures the experiences of children and families in the transitions process from all additional support need areas. Continue to recommend a review of the links between Legislation within Children and Adults areas and how this impacts on practice. To incorporate the work of health care in transitions areas through working with the NCMNCEN and other partner agencies.
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