Outreach and Enrollment Work Planning Now until November 15 th, and Beyond!
ActivitiesTimelineExpected Outcomes Measure of Effectiveness Status/Comments Outreach Staff Member Name: Work Plan Period: Goal: Strategy 1:
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time bound
ActivitiesTimelineExpected Outcomes Measure of Effectiveness Status/Comments Create a list of organizations to partner with May 1st Complete: Listed 15 potential organizations to target, including local church, job services center, divorce attorney, temp agency Identify contact person at each organization May 15 th Contact is initiated with at least 5 new organizations # of organizations willing to partner with health center Complete: 8 of the organizations agreed to partner with the health center, including… Distribute information to these organizations June 1 st People will learn that they may be eligible for a special enrollment period and the health center is a place to get enrollment help # of people referred to health center from each organization Complete: 15 people referred from Lutheran Church after marriage ceremonies 25 people referred from job services center Host trainings at at least 5 of these organizations June 1 st - November 15th All organizations will want their staff to be trained on O&E and the special enrollment periods # of trainings completed In Progress: 3 trainings completed, at … Outreach Staff Member Name: Alyssa Work Plan Period: April 15 - November 15 Goal: Increase awareness of the special enrollment periods Strategy 1: Form new partnerships with organizations in the community that work with people likely to be eligible for special enrollment periods (qualifying life events)
ActivitiesTimelineExpected OutcomesMeasure of EffectivenessStatus/Comments Educate health center providers about the existence of special enrollment periods April 15- May 15, and ongoing All health center providers are aware that some patients may qualify for special enrollment periods # of referrals within the CHC from providers to O&E staff Complete: Provider trainings took place April 28 th and May 4 th during lunchtime meetings 8 patients referred to O&E staff from providers 7- New babies 1- Moved into nursing home 6 of these people eligible for special enrollment period Educate health center behavioral health staff about the existence of special enrollment periods April 15- May 15, and ongoing All health center behavioral health staff are aware that some patients may qualify for special enrollment periods # of referrals within the CHC from behavioral health staff to O&E staff Complete: Behavioral health staff trainings took place April 28 th and May 4 th during lunchtime meetings. 15 patients referred to O&E staff from providers 13- Divorces 2- Loss of spouse 6 of these people eligible for special enrollment period Advertise in health center April 15- November 15 Waiting room and provider rooms have visible information about special enrollment periods # people who come to O&E staff reporting they saw something in the health center Ongoing 4 people reported they saw advertising in the health center 1 was eligible for special enrollment period Goal: Increase awareness of the special enrollment periods Strategy 2: Get the word out to current health center patients about the special enrollment periods
ActivitiesTimeline Staff Responsible Expected Outcomes Measure of Effectiveness Status/Comments Channel 9 Health Fair May 14 th, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, downtown Missoula Mary 9:00- 12:00 Joe 12:00- 3:00 20 enrollment appointments # of appointments made 13/20 showed up for their appointments, 11 got enrolled in the marketplace Nepalese Cultural Fair May 20 th, 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Joe Spread the word about enrollment assistance help at the health center and special enrollment periods # of people spoken with Joe spoke to about half of the 35 people at the event. As of 6/1, nobody has come into the health center for assistance, but 5 women who were pregnant promised they would come in after their babies were born. Homeless outreach event June 5 th, 7:00 am – 10:00 am Mary Distribute brochures to at least 100 people at the event about Medicaid # of brochures distributed Mary gave out 250 brochures and spoke to about 45 people about Medicaid enrollment. Since June 5 th, the health center has had a 65% increase in Medicaid enrollments. Health Center Name: Work Plan Period: April 15- November 15 Goal: Enroll 1,000 people in the county before November 15 th Strategy 1: Attend events in the county and raise awareness
Type of Activities/MethodSample Indicators to Help You Measure Your Efforts Printed Materials Distribution (fliers, posters) Number of: Calls received Face-to-face meetings Individuals enrolled through this strategy (if applicable to you) Materials distributed Location in which consumers found your printed materials – specify which materials they saw *If you have a website, you can also monitor traffic to see if it increased after you distributed the material. Presentations Number of: Calls received Face-to-face meetings People in the audience Individuals enrolled through this strategy (if applicable to you) Presentations given Presentation location *It is important for your evaluation process to ask the location of the presentation (church, school, organization, etc.) and capture the name of the institution where presentation was given. Events Number of: Events held Participants at event Individuals enrolled through this particular event (if applicable to you) Materials distributed at the event Partnership Development Number of: Organizations helping you with your goal Referrals made to organizations (keep track of the name of the institution) Referrals received and by whom Individuals enrolled through this particular strategy (if applicable to you) Earned media effortsNumber of: Articles and stories (print and online) about your organization Times staff participated in Radio and TV program Calls received or other notable outcomes Television stories that feature your outreach Individuals enrolled through this particular strategy (if applicable to you)