2008 NetDefend Firewall Series Technical Training Firewall Fundamental - Part 2 ©Copyright All rights reserved
Hands-On 1.Publish Web Server that located in LAN side 2.WAN Load Sharing 3.IPsec Hub and Spoke
Hands-On 1 Publish Web Server that located in LAN side From DFL-1600 LAN user can access both DFL-210 and DFL-860 web server using Public IP and Each LAN Users of each DFL can access their own web server using their own public IP
Hands-On 1 Set WAN IP, WAN Subnet, WAN Gateway and assign one object for Web Server
Hands-On 1 Add SAT Rule
Hands-On 1 Add Allow Rule
Hands-On 1 Add NAT for LAN traffic Rule
Hands-On 1 Enable Log for each Rule, for troubleshooting purpose
Hands-On 1 Review all IP Rule Why do we must put LAN_to_WAN rule between SAT and Allow?
Hands-On 1 PC 1 : LAN IP : WAN IP : Web Server : PC 1 open web server using Public IP :1050 :80 Firewall translate it to :1050 :80 Web Server reply it directly to PC :80 :1050 Reply packet will never arrive, because PC 1 expect reply packet come from and not from PC 1 open web server using Public IP :1050 :80 Firewall translate it and doing NAT here :35879 :80 Web Server reply it to Firewall first :80 :35879 Packet send back to PC1 and restore both address translation :80 :1050 Reply packet will arrive at PC 1 as expected
Hands-On 2 WAN Load Sharing Http Traffic goes through WAN 1 Telnet Traffic goes through WAN 2
Hands-On 2 Create object (IP, Subnet and Gateway) for both WAN
Hands-On 2 Make sure, there is no default gateway for both WAN interface
Hands-On 2 Add route for WAN1 with metric 10
Hands-On 2 Add another routing table Add route for WAN 2 with metric 0
Hands-On 2 Add routing rule for telnet traffic
Hands-On 2 Add IP Rules like this below :
Enable Log for each Rule, for troubleshooting purpose Hands-On 2
Hands-On 3 IPsec Hub and Spoke
Hands-On 3 Spoke Surabaya Local Net : /24 Remote Net : /24 (Hub Jakarta) and /24 (Spoke Bandung) Remote Gateway : (Hub Jakarta WAN) Create Address Book like this below :
Hands-On 3 Create Authentication Object, for example :
Hands-On 3 Add default gateway to WAN interface
Hands-On 3 Create IPsec for tunneling to Jakarta / Bandung
Hands-On 3 Create Interface Group like this below :
Hands-On 3 Create IP Rule for tunnel and put it on the top :
Hands-On 3 Spoke Bandung Local Net : /24 Remote Net : /24 (Hub Jakarta) and /24 (Spoke Surabaya) Remote Gateway : (Hub Jakarta WAN) Create Address Book like this below :
Hands-On 3 Create Authentication Object, for example :
Hands-On 3 Add default gateway to WAN 1 interface
Hands-On 3 Create IPsec for tunneling to Jakarta / Surabaya
Hands-On 3 Create Interface Group like this below :
Hands-On 3 Create IP Rule for tunnel and put it on the top :
Hands-On 3 Hub Jakarta Tunnel JKT-SBY Local Net : /24 (Spoke Bandung) and /24 (Hub Jakarta) Remote Net : /24 (Spoke Surabaya) Remote Gateway : (Spoke Surabaya WAN) Tunnel JKT-BDG Local Net : /24 (Spoke Surabaya) and /24 (Hub Jakarta) Remote Net : /24 (Spoke Bandung) Remote Gateway : (Spoke Bandung WAN)
Hands-On 3 Create Address Book like this below :
Hands-On 3 Create Authentication Object, for example :
Hands-On 3 Add default gateway to WAN 1 interface
Hands-On 3 Create IPsec for tunneling to Surabaya
Hands-On 3 Create IPsec for tunneling to Bandung
Hands-On 3 Create Interface Group like this below :
Hands-On 3 Create IP Rule for tunnel and put it on the top :
Hands-On 3 Cek Main Routing Table and IPsec Status at Hub : Tunnel to Surabaya Tunnel to Bandung
Hands-On 3 Cek Main Routing Table and IPsec Status at Spoke Bandung : Tunnel to Jakarta and Surabaya
Hands-On 3 Cek Main Routing Table and IPsec Status at Spoke Surabaya : Tunnel to Jakarta and Bandung
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