FIRST DAY I took 2 bowls and put cotton to the bottom of bowl. And then I put some chickpea on cotton and cover it with cotton. I left it to the lighty place for being grassed with enough water. I said one of them negative words nervously, and the other one positive ones.
SECOND DAY When I woke up in the morning, I cared only one of my plants, I did not care the other one. Now, their appearances are same, there is no difference between them.
THIRD DAY I gave same amount of water to both of my plants. But the plant’s seeds which I cared positively, sprouted very well. The other one is improving slower than the other.
FORTH DAY I gave water both of my plants this morning. The plant which I loved sprouted to fast than the other. The tendrills of the plant is yellow.”
FIFTH DAY The tendrills of the plant is becoming green. I take some cotton from the above for being grown comfortably.
SIXTH DAY Today, the plant’s seeds which I cared positively, is groving fast, the other plant seeds become roted lightly.
SEVENTH DAY The seeds become green completely and get outside of the cotton.
REPORT Hypothesis : Good and bad words affects the improvement and sprouting of the plants. As to the all living things, the plants improves too fast with the love. I put the chickpeas two bowls at the same day in same conditions. I gave same amount of water both of them. But I spoke with only one of them and showed love to it. I never cared the other one in spite of giving water.
The plant which I cared grew too fast than the other. It also seeded so healthy and beatifully. The other plant was weak and unhealty according to other one. From this I understood the plants needs love and care. I saw everything grows with love becomes more healthy. If we think this in general manner, plants, animals and people all needs love. Life is so beatiful with love. My hyphothesis is true!!!