By Noah Desjarlais
Approximately 13.7 billion years ago a small part of space started to expanded rapidly into a gigantic size. After a short amount of time all of the matter and energy of that part of space started to form into our universe as we know it. This theory was described from a Belgium priest and physicist, named Georges Lemaître in This theory is know as The Big Bang Theory, the theory is thought to be the start of the universe.
After 35 years Lemaitre spoke about his theory, two American men, Arno Pennies and Robert Wilson; made a huge discovery that was one of the most important piece of evidence to the Big Bang theory. The men were monitoring a microwave radiation in space. In this experiment they were receiving a background noise or signal interference. After playing around with the microwave they concluded that they were detecting a cosmic background radiation. This is what some people refer to as left over radiation from the Big Bang expansion.
An American man named Edwin Hubble was a astronomer, was the first person to find other galaxy other than the milky way. When he discovered these galaxies he found out that the galaxies he had discovered don’t stay still. More like they spear apart from each other. In fact the speed that they are moving at varied by the distance that they were apart from. From this information, he when to purpose that the universe is expanding in all directions.
The way Edwin Hubble figured out the speed of how fast the galaxies were going was thorough red shift analysis. Electromagnetic waves (electromagnetic radiation) is a energy that is carried in a form of waves. These waves are used in things such as x rays, microwaves, and radio waves. All of these depend on there wavelengths. Many things in space radiate in many different forms of energy, like Stars, and galaxies. Spectral patterns are white lights that split into pieces of rainbow colours when passed through prisms. For example lights from desk lamps, and the Sun. The pattern from these colours are called spectrum, each colour band represents different kinds of wavelengths. The prism is called a spectroscopy which is a optical instrument that separates the white light. Your text here
When Edwin Hubble observed these red shifting patterns in many different distances of galaxies, they got the idea that space itself is expanding. The wavelengths of the radiated light are being lengthened as the lights are crossing an expanding universe. They called this cosmological red shift, which became the main example for the theory of the early universe. Your text here