Substance Abuse Offender Treatment Program OTP
The OTP was established in FY through the budget trailer bill (AB 1808 [Chapter 75, Statutes of 2006] adding Health and Safety Code Division 10.10) The OTP was established in FY through the budget trailer bill (AB 1808 [Chapter 75, Statutes of 2006] adding Health and Safety Code Division 10.10) Offender Treatment Program (OTP)
OCJC distributes funds to counties that demonstrate a commitment of county general funds or funds, from a source other than the state, at a ratio of nine dollars ($9) for every one dollar ($1) of eligible county matching funds Matching funds may be $ or in-kind
OTP funds can be used for: Enhancing / developing treatment services Enhancing / developing treatment services Increasing proportion of sentenced offenders entering, remaining in, and completing treatment Increasing proportion of sentenced offenders entering, remaining in, and completing treatment Reducing treatment delays Reducing treatment delays Employing a drug court model Employing a drug court model Other activities, approaches, and services Other activities, approaches, and services
Quarterly Data Report (QDR) The QDR’s report the following data: Referral of SACPA Offenders Referral of SACPA Offenders from Courts/Probation Referral of SACPA Offenders from Parole
Assessment and Admission of SACPA Offenders Number of unique clients assessed Number of unique clients assessed Number of unique admitted into OTP funded treatment Number of unique admitted into OTP funded treatment
Wait list data Number of days waited for treatment Total number of unique clients assessed but not admitted into treatment
Relinquish Funds ● Counties may voluntarily relinquish funds if they do not expect to spend their entire OTP allocation ● Counties need to submit a ‘Notice to Relinquish OTP funds’ along with a revised budget sheet ● ADP runs the OTP allocation methodology to re-distribute funds based on: 50% Standard Methodology 25% Show Rate 25% Completion Rate
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