Entrenched Threat: Prescription and OTC Medicine Abuse Behavior.


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Presentation transcript:

Entrenched Threat: Prescription and OTC Medicine Abuse Behavior

Who we are Mission: Dedicated to helping parents prevent, intervene in, and treat drug / alcohol use by their children in order to reduce use Ethos: Objective, independent, uncompromising integrity, accountable to the American public Competencies: Responsible for the single largest research-based public education campaign and web resource in the nation’s history that has helped cut drug use by teens and increase parent involvement Research: Created PATS an annual national study on drug use and underlying attitudes (21 st year). Also innovative studies on Rx abuse and parenting Essence: Private sector nonprofit coalition uniting parents, renowned scientists, and communication professionals. Launched in 1986

A Partnership for Parents Science & Research Treatment Research Institute University of Pennsylvania + Communications & Technology Partnership for a Drug-Free America Parents’ Needs, Experience, Support

Kids who learn a lot about the risks of drugs from their parents are up to 50% less likely to use.

Drug Use Starts Early Average age of first use is 13 years old By end of 8 th grade, 1 out of 5 kids have tried an illicit drug Every day 4,000 teens try an illicit drug for the first time

15 Trends in Substance Abuse Among 8th Graders % Source: Monitoring the Future Study; Past Month Use Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan 26 Alcohol Cigarettes Illegal Drugs % % 7 -47% vs. ‘96

16 Lifetime Trial Marijuana Inhalants Rx Medicines Cough Medicine Ketamine Ecstasy Crack/ Cocaine LSD MethHeroin GHB Source: 2008 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, 6,518 teens in grades 7 through 12 New Tier of Abuse PATS 21st annual wave. Study tracks elaborate and complex attitudes teens and parents have about substance abuse.

GHB Ketamine Heroin Meth LSD Ecstasy Cough Medicine Crack/Cocaine Inhalants Marijuana 8.1 million 4.7 million 2.5 million 2.3 million 1.5 million 1.6 million 2.1 million 1.2 million 1.1 million 1 million The New Landscape Prescription Medicine Source: 2008 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS) Teens, 6,518 teens in grades 7 through 12

Rx/OTC Products Abused Rx pain medications Rx stimulants Rx tranquilizers/sedatives OTC cough/cold We must address the behavior of intentionally abusing medicines

Key Factors Driving Rx Abuse Misperception that abusing medicine is not dangerous (safer than “street drugs”) Ease of access via medicine cabinets at home (#1) or friend’s house, other person’s prescriptions Source: Partnership Attitude Tracking Study

Teen perceptions of safety

Oxycodone Brand name: Oxycontin Intended Use: Long-acting narcotic pain reliever used to treat moderate to severe chronic pain Effects if Abused: Slowed breathing and heartbeat, dizziness and fainting, tremors, muscle weakness, drowsiness or loss of consciousness.

Hydrocodone Brand names: Vicodin, Lortab, Lorcet Intended Use: Narcotic pain reliever used to treat moderate pain; also a cough suppressant Effects if Abused: Vomiting, slow breathing, slow heartbeat, unusual sweating, chills, loss of consciousness

Diazepam Brand Name: Valium Intended Use: Used to treat anxiety and seizures, relieve muscle spasms and as a sedative during medical procedures Effects if Abused: Severe drowsiness, slow reflexes, slow and shallow breathing, fainting

Temazepam Brand Name: Restoril Intended Use: Used for short-term treatment of insomnia Effects if Abused: Slow breathing, slurred speech, or a deep sleep from which you cannot be awakened.

Alprazolam Brand Name: Xanax Intended Use: Used to treat anxiety and panic attacks. Effects if Abused: Severe drowsiness, loss of consciousness

Doxylamine Brand Names: Unisom, Medi-sleep Intended Use: Over-the-counter antihistamine used to treat insomnia and relieve cold and cough symptoms Effects if Abused: Extreme drowsiness, loss of coordination, seizures, hallucinations

Our teens…. 1:5 have abused Rx 1:10 have abused OTC What is the potential for the problem to get worse?

32 Users (past year) Vulnerable Non-Users Discriminant Function Analysis to determine what other groups most closely correspond to Prescription Pain Reliever users. Teens who have similar attitudes as users. 508 interviews, half boys, half girls 249 interviews year olds 259 interviews year olds

33 Adderall/ Ritalin Aerosol sprays Andro Beer/ Wine Caffeine Cigarettes Cleaning fluids Cocaine Cold and Cough Cough Syrup Crack Creatine Darvon Dexedrine Dilaudid DXM Ecstasy Gasoline GHB Glue Hard Liquor Hashish Heroin Ketamine LibriumLortab LSD Marijuana Mescaline Methamphetamine OxyContin Pain relievers you buy PCP Percodan Peyote Rx drugs (No Rx) Rx pain relievers (No Rx) Psilocybin Rohypnol Steroids (Anabolic) Tylox Valium Vicodin Xanax HIGH RISK DIFFICULT TO GET TOTAL

34 Adderall/ Ritalin Aerosol sprays Andro Beer/ Wine Caffeine Cigarettes Cleaning fluids Cocaine Cold and Cough Cough Syrup Crack Creatine Darvon Dexedrine Dilaudid DXM Ecstasy Gasoline GHB Glue Hard Liquor Hashish Heroin Ketamine Librium Lortab LSD Marijuana Mescaline Methamphetamine OxyContin Pain relievers you buy PCP Percodan Peyote Rx drugs (No Rx) Rx pain relievers (No Rx) Psilocybin Rohypnol Steroids (Anabolic) Tylox Valium Vicodin Xanax VULNERABLES HIGH RISK DIFFICULT TO GET

35 PAST YEAR USERS Adderall/ Ritalin Aerosol sprays Andro Beer/ Wine Caffeine Cigarettes Cleaning fluids Cocaine Cold and Cough Cough Syrup Crack Creatine Darvon Dexedrine Dilaudid DXM Ecstasy Gasoline GHB GlueHard Liquor Hashish Heroin Ketamine Librium Lortab LSD Marijuana Mescaline Methamphetamine OxyContin Pain relievers you buy PCP Percodan Peyote Rx drugs (No Rx) Rx pain relievers (No Rx) Psilocybin Rohypnol Steroids (Anabolic) TyloxValium Vicodin Xanax DIFFICULT TO GET HIGH RISK

Few Parents Are Acting On Rx/OTC Medicine Abuse Parents do not think their teen is vulnerable to Rx/OTC abuse Parents do not understand the behavior of intentionally abusing medicine to get high Parents think that if their teen did abuse medicines it would not be as dangerous as “street drugs” Source: Partnership Focus Group Studies

Teen motivations for abusing Rx… Base: Rx Trier (155) 21. For each of the substances that you tried in the past, please think about the MAIN reason you used that substance or drug. First think about [INSERT FIRST DRUG]]. Which ONE of the following reasons best describes the main reason that you used [DRUG]?

A more nuanced view of motivation

It’s about “regulating” life

Physical regulation

Mental regulation



The teen cost / benefit analysis

Where do Rx drugs fit in the progression of use?

An addition, not a replacement

What Can Parents Do? Educate themselves about Rx/OTC Communicate the risks Safeguard medications Stay Involved + Intervene early Communicate their love, concern, and disapproval of any drug use.