The Pledge of Allegiance
“ I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”
I pledge I promise I give my word
Allegiance To be loyal, faithful To love and protect
…To the flag of the United States of America Every country has a different colored and patterned flag. The country we live in is the United States of America.
…and to the Republic for which it stands –The United states is called a democratic-republic because the people elect their representatives. So, I promise to love and protect the kind of country we have.
…One nation Nation is another word for country Our country is called the United States of America.
…under God Our founding fathers wanted to guarantee our religious freedom. This means that all Americans are free to worship or not worship as they choose.
…indivisible… Our country is strong and cannot be broken up because we promise to protect it.
…with liberty and justice for all. The United States tries to give freedom to every person who lives here and to be fair to each one.
What do the colors mean? Red reminds us of courage. That means doing what is right even when we are afraid.
What do the colors mean? White makes us think of liberty, the freedom we have to choose and say what we want.
What do the colors mean? Blue reminds us of being loyal; that means true and faithful.
Each star means one state. There are 50 stars on our flag because there are 50 states in our country. 1 Star = 1 State 50 Stars = U.S.A.
How many stripes are on our flag? Let’s count:
Why do you think there are 13 stripes? There are 13 stripes on our flag, one for each of the original 13 colonies.
Now, let’s see what you remember! Every country has it’s own __________.
Yes, you’re right!! Every country has it’s own___________.
What colors are in our flag?
Yes, again! Red White Blue
What does RED remind you of? Pick one answer! A. Red reminds us of freedom. B.Red reminds us to stop. C.Red reminds us of courage.
Wonderful Job!!! Red reminds us of courage. Doing something what is right even when we are afraid.
Our flag has the color white on it. What does the color white mean to us? (pick one answer) A.White makes us think of liberty & freedom. B.White makes us grateful we didn’t spill on our new white t-shirt. C.White makes us think of a piece of paper.
Great Answer! A.White makes us think of liberty and freedom.
Our flag also has the color blue in it. What does blue stand for? A.Blue reminds us of freedom. B.Blue reminds us of being loyal, true and faithful. C.Blue reminds us of something cold.
Great Job! A.Blue reminds us of being loyal, true and faithful.
How many stars are on our flag? A.There are 13 stars on our flag. B. There are 50 Stars on our flag. C. There are 52 stars on our flag.
Correct!!! A. There are 50 stars on our flag. = 50
How many stripes are on our flag? A.There are 50 stripes on our flag. B.There are 13 stripes on our flag. C.There are 15 stripes on our flag.
Yes! Correct, again! B.There are 13 stripes on our flag
What color are the stripes? A.The stripes are red. B.The stripes are blue. C.The stripes are white. D.The stripes are blue and red. E.The stripes are red and white.
Boy, You’re good!!! E. The stripes are red and white.
Congratulations on a Job Well Done! The next time you recite the Pledge of Allegiance, now you will have more understanding of the promise you are making.
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag