The Skills Pledge – About to sign Our preparations for signing in September Esther Corby Learning & Development Manager Keith Underwood Lifelong Learning Coordinator
OVERVIEW OF EMAS 4.6 million people 500,000 emergency calls per year Approx 6,425 square miles Patient Transport Service provide 5,000 journeys per day Figures correct as at March staff 70+ sites Annual budget of £125 million
OVERVIEW OF EMAS The services we provide are supported by: How EMAS is made up… –A&E Control, Emergency Planning –PTS Planning, Control & Stats –Organisational Learning –Clinical Governance –Patient Advice and Liaison Service –Fleet Maintenance –Human Resources –Finance –ICT –Risk, Health and Safety –Community Relations –Business Development
In order to sign the Pledge we need to : Find out the employee qualifications profile of EMAS Discover more about the mechanics of signing the pledge Engage with the Trade Unions for support for workforce development Form an action plan to describe our commitment to the pledge
Finding out more about the employee qualifications of EMAS With support from the Public Sector Compact we were able to establish a robust estimate of the profile within Lincolnshire.
Finding out more about the employee qualifications of EMAS
This analysis has suggested that our own ‘pledge’ should address the ‘level 2 issue’ but also a commitment to workforce development for employees qualified to levels 2, 3,4 and higher. Also we would like to commit to SfL support for employees with basic skills issues.
In preparing for the pledge we are mapping our progress against the ‘5 stages of the pledge - Education Committee/Board - JIF - Skills for Health Lead (jointly funded)
Engaging with the Trade Unions to support workforce development Trade Unions have very good links with EMAS Through partnership agreements Through a Joint consultation committee Through Divisional partnership meetings
Importance of Union Learner Reps within the workforce Ability to identify with the workforce Raise the profile of Lifelong Learning Link between the workforce and the education team Offer confidential support Ensure equality of access to quality learning To support EMAS and to work in partnership in creating and maintaining a learning environment free from discrimination
EMAS the Past Dead man’s shoes No non-clinical educational support No support in career progression No career pathway within the NHS Agenda for change Mergence of 3 ambulance trust Low staff moral
EMAS the Present Reconfiguration of EMAS with Lincolnshire and Northants Ambulance services Low staff moral Agenda for change Government targets (call connect) Inception of a education and development team Introduction of union learner reps into the workforce
The Present (continued) Partnership working Test the Company Pilot (Lincoln Div) Set up of a working partnership equality in education group Commitment to the Skills Pledge Support in career development Career progression within the NHS
Forming an Action Plan to describe our commitment to the pledge As yet we have not reached this stage in our preparations Our action plan is likely to include: (i) a commitment to all employees reaching level 2 by 2010; (ii) support for employees with basic skills issues and (iii) training for employees qualified at levels 2,3 and 4
The Skills Pledge – About to sign Our preparations for signing in September Esther Corby Learning & Development Manager Keith Underwood Lifelong Learning Coordinator Unison EMAS Branch Questions ??