PUBLIC HEALTH RESPONSIBILITY DEAL Ciara McLoughlin Responsibility Deal Programme Lead Department of Health
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at CHANGING LANDSCAPE Affecting health, work and wellbeing agenda A challenging economic situation The Big Society Major reform of the NHS Public Health re-organisation Health and Wellbeing Boards Local Councils’ enhanced responsibilities Major reform of the welfare system Independent review of sickness absence Public Health Responsibility Deal
Contact us at PUBLIC HEALTH REFORMS The public health challenge requires a new approach. Healthy lives, Healthy People set out a bold vision for a reformed public health system in England – with localism at its heart. In the reformed public health system: local authorities take new responsibilities for public health a new integrated public health service, Public Health England, is established there is a stronger focus on the outcomes we want to achieve public health has a clear priority there is a commitment to reduce health inequalities We continue to engage with key stakeholders on issues which require further development. End of the year we will produce a series of Public Health System Reform Updates to complete the operational design of the public health system.
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at HEALTH IMPROVEMENT DOCUMENTS Tobacco Control Plan for England, published in March 2011, introduces three new national ambitions to reduce smoking prevalence among adults, among 15 year olds and in pregnancy. We plan to publish a cross-cutting Alcohol Strategy later this year. The strategy document will address the full range of harm from alcohol (both health and social impacts) and set out other Departments’ commitments and actions, already agreed in the Coalition Programme. On physical activity the new UK CMO Guidelines where published in July The guidelines introduce a new, more flexible 150min a week recommendation for adults. Developing proposals for a national ambition for physical activity - likely to focus on those who are least active as well as individuals achieving 150min a week of physical activity.
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at OBESITY CALL TO ACTION A Call to Action on Obesity in England published on 13 October. It sets out: a new national ambition to create a downward trend in excess weight in children and adults by 2020; that obesity is everybody’s business and it is the responsibility of individuals to change their behaviour; that a range of partners, including Government and business, have responsibility to help individuals; a focus on adults as well as children, and prevention as well as treatment ; and a goal to reduce our calorie intake by 5 billion calories a day, with a challenge to business to play a key part. People have to take responsibility for their own exercise and diet. What the Government and partners can do is give people clear, consistent messages on why they should change their lifestyle and how to do so - and put in place ways to make it easier.
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at THE RESPONSIBILITY DEAL Andrew Lansley Public health is everyone’s responsibility and there is a role for all of us, working in partnership, to tackle these challenges. Government, public health, voluntary and commercial organisations need to work together to find new ways of supporting people to change their behaviour and achieve real sustained improvements in public health. The Responsibility Deal has been established to tap into the potential for businesses and other organisations to improve public health and tackle health inequalities.
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at THE RESPONSIBILITY DEAL Business is a powerful influence in our lives. Business can reach consumers and deliver information in ways that other organisations cannot. The Responsibility Deal challenges business and other organisations to lead the way in positively shaping and creating an environment that supports people to make informed, balanced choices and help them live healthier lives. Organisations signing up to the Deal commit to take action to improve public health. This action is expressed as a series of pledges covering food, alcohol, physical activity and health at work. Over 320 organisations have already signed up.
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at WORKING TOGETHER
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at STRUCTURE OF THE DEAL Core Commitments – defining the scope, purpose & high-level ambitions Supporting Pledges – defining the operating principles and processes Collective pledges – collectively agreed action, designed by the responsibility networks and signed by many organisation Individual pledges – individual organisations going further, faster To become a partner you must: sign up to all the core commitments & supporting pledges sign up a minimum of one collective pledge register with the Department of Health
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at CORE COMMITMENTS & SUPPORTING PLEDGES CORE COMMITMENTS 1.We recognise that we have a vital role to play in improving people’s health. 2.We will encourage and enable people to adopt a healthier diet. 3.We will foster a culture of responsible drinking, which will help people to drink within guidelines 4.We will encourage and assist people to become more physically active 5.We will actively support our workforce to lead healthier lives SUPPORTING PLEDGES a.We will support the approach of the Public Health Responsibility Deal and encourage other organisations to sign up. b.We acknowledge that the Deal's strength comes from organisations of different types across varying sectors working together to improve people's health. c.We will contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of progress against the pledges. d.Where we offer people information to help make healthier choices, we will use messages which are consistent with Government public health advice. e.We will broaden and deepen the impact of the Public Health Responsibility Deal by working to develop further pledges in support of the five core commitments.
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at THE PLEDGES The pledges focus on four areas – alcohol, food, health at work and physical activity. Alcohol and food pledges have a strong focus on actions that manufacturers and retailers can deliver. For example pledges on calorie labelling in out of home settings; reducing salt in food products; the labelling of alcohol products; raising awareness of units, drinking guidelines and health harms of alcohol. Health at work and physical activity pledges are not sector specific. Employers have much offer and gain from the Responsibility Deal.
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at PLEDGES FOR EMPLOYERS Health at work H1. Chronic Conditions Guide H2. Occupational Health Standards H3. Health & Wellbeing Report H4. Healthier Staff Restaurants H5. Smoking Cessation/Respiratory Health H6. Staff Health Checks Physical activity P2. Physical Activity Guidelines P3. Active Travel P4. Physical Activity in the Workplace New areas of work Future workforce ensuring young people have a healthy work experience. Adjustments for staff returning to the workplace, with a particular focus on those with a mental health condition.
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at MONITORING Annual updates from partners. Pledge monitoring templates to help partners. Monitoring templates for all 21 collective pledges are now available on the Department of Health website at PolicyAndGuidance/DH_ PolicyAndGuidance/DH_ Partners will complete a monitoring template for each pledge they have signed up to. Section A: Summary of Pledge Delivery Plans Section B: Progress Update: Quantitative Section C: Progress Update: Qualitative All the information in the monitoring templates will be made publicly available on the Responsibility Deal website.
Public Health Responsibility Deal Contact us at FURTHER INFORMATION Further information about the Deal, including a full list of all the pledges and of our partner organisations can be found at Queries? us at Ciara McLoughlin, Responsibility Deal Programme Lead, Department of Health