1 Business Case Presentations Michael Brookhart Sarah Adams Erika Campbell
2 Company Information Company history Founded in 2009 Perry Chen, Yancey Strickler, Charles Adler Mission Statement Net Worth/Statistics
3 Company Information New York City Opera Currently using Kickstarter as a final Hail Mary Ever Bar Wide array of things can be created Art, inventions, food, games, music, TV shows and movies Large following in the music, art, and publishing areas
4 Company Information Creators and Backers receive valuable returns Creators Get chance to accomplish dreams without financial risk Backers Tangible and Intangible rewards Current Big Kickstarter Projects Veronica Mars Wish I Was Here
5 COMPETITORS Indiegogo Different business strategies Peoplefund.it UK based Small Knot Linking communities with small businesses Market Share
6 STRATEGIES 3 Guidelines 1. Creators can fund projects 2. Kickstarter’s 13 project categories 3. Site’s prohibited uses Hardware/Product Design regulations 5% fee to all campaigns Social Media
7 Company climate “Team Kicksterter” Office Location Positions offered Tumblr Page SWOT Analysis
8 Case Summary Vocabulary Kickstarter: the world’s largest crowdfunding site for creative projects Service to cash-challenged artists and entrepreneurs New projects Crowdfunding process Pledge statistics
9 Questions & Answers 1a. What is the “Project of the Day” on Kickstarter.com? Golem Arcana 1b. Which two pledge levels have the highest number of backers? Pledges for $100 and $110 1c. Which pledge levels are sold out, if any? $55, $100, $225 1d. Do the answers to these questions suggest that backers are actually customers making purchases rather than donors making selfless contributions? They’re customers making purchases because they’ve chosen to be backers of the higher priced pledges which grants the backers an incentive for supporting the pledge; they’re buying the product
10 Questions & Answers cont. 2. Explain crowdfunding and its advantages to new entrepreneurs? It’s a way to raise money (capital) for new projects by asking for contributions from a large number (crowd) of people via the Web; peer-to-peer funding Can make any new idea a reality Easily accessible for entrepreneurs to engage the crowd 3. Compare Kickstarter and eBay eBay prices are much more flexible and Kickstarter donations are varied, yet set, prices Both have time limits Provides a new way for consumers to obtain “new” products They’re changing the way people shop; “window shop” 4. What characteristics make Kickstarter a social commerce site? Kickstarter involves a lot of social interaction between entrepreneurs and consumers; commitment from backers Entertaining; via Web Other entrepreneurs can seek out competition
11 Additional Questions Kickstarter is the best known source of crowdfunding What’s the future of crowdfunding? What other kind of crowdfunding opportunities will be established? 11