The Banner System An Overview
2 Banner is the software u SCT is the leading global provider of e-education technology solutions for institutions of all sizes and levels of complexity. u Banner is completely integrated to handle all of the administrative functions of higher education.
3 Multi-system database u Banner is a multi-system database. u Each system contains modules that store information. u Some information is shared by each system n Reduce data entry n Prevent errors n Allow queries and reports using information from all systems
4 Banner concept u One database u Multiple systems n Advancement n Finance n Financial Aid n Human Resources n Student n General
5 User sets security u Each system contains specific information that is relevant to that area and is protected by security restrictions. u Advancement users determine who can have access (update or query) to Advancement information.
6 Shared Information u ID’s identification numbers u Names and name types u Addresses u Phone numbers u u Marital status u Deceased and confidential flags
7 Integration ID, Name Address Phone, Marital Status Confidential, deceased Indicators Advancement Finance Financial Aid Student Human Resources
8 ID’s and pidms ID n Format – what format will be used n Generation –Banner generates a unique number n SSN – can this be printed on documents Pidm “Personal identification master” Internal, unique number assigned to each piece of information in the system
9 Share Data Why share data u Data that is common to many systems is stored in one place u Shared data is consistent across all systems and is entered only once u Data from multi systems can be combined for effective reporting
10 Issues of shared data Who owns the data and who assumes responsibility for: u Accuracy u Data entry standards u Entering changes u Varying system requirements
11 IDEN forms Each system has an IDEN form where the name and address information are created an updated u APAIDEN, SPAIDEN, FOAIDEN, PPAIDEN, RPAIDEN Each AIDEN form is slightly different. APAIDEN shows cross referenced spouse Other AIDEN forms show only one person
12 Form naming conventions u Each letter of the form has a meaning. Understanding the letters can help you understand the use of the form. Forms that begin with “A” are advancement forms “S” are student, “F” are finance forms Forms that begin with “G” are general forms and are used by all systems GUASYST, GTVLETR
13 Integrated database u Data Standards u Policies need to be determined with other departments n Student, financial aid, finance, human resources regarding updates to names, address types, indicators Format and data entry standards need to be developed to insure consistency, punctuation, abbreviations
14 Duplicate Records u Policies and operational procedures need to be developed regarding the handling of duplicate records u How to find duplicates u How to resolve “dupes” when they exist u How to train new staff u How to prevent duplicates
15 Documentation u Documentation for the current system needs to be reviewed and current processes need to be evaluated n Good time to streamline and make changes n Best practices. u Documentation needs to be created for Banner processes. Used to train existing and new staff. u Need to document decisions made during training process. Decision log.
16 Reports u Banner provides some standard reports that are run from job submission process u Population selection process allows you to select records from the database to be used in standard reports, letter generation process, or transfer to Excel u Letter generation process used for receipts, thank you letters, other letters or reports u Ad hoc reports generated via ODBC compliant report writer
17 Ad hoc reports u As we progress through the training, make a list of the reports that you will need. u Work with technical staff to prioritize these reports so that they will be available at conversion. u Other report needs can be determined after conversion.
18 Upgrades and Enhancements u SCT provides upgrades to Banner when n Federal regulations require (Financial Aid) n Industry standards require (VSE/CFAE) n Errors detected. Point releases. 5.1, 6.2 n Major upgrades to system are indicated by increase of number 5.0 to 6.0
19 Upgrades and Enhancements u Each time a change is made to Banner, SCT provides Release Guides that document the changes in the version. u Test these releases with IT staff u Conversion team needs to continue to work together after the completion of the implementation.
20 Action Line and Listservs u SCT action line provides support to Banner clients n Action Web log-in n Listservs for each system u Balumni u To sign up, u to u In message, subscribe balumni (your name)
21 Advancement System
22 Advancement Modules u Constituents u Organizations u Campaigns u Designations u Pledges u Gifts and Pledge Payments u Prospect Management
23 Advancement Modules (cont) u Gift Society u Membership u Solicitor Organization u Events Management u Advancement Self-Service n Self Service for Alumni and Friends n Self-Service for Advancement Professionals
24 Validation Tables u Banner is table driven u Tables hold the various values that can be used n ATVDONR has the VSE/CFAE values n ATVXREF has the cross-reference values n Some tables have specific Banner values, others are determined by user n Tables that begin with “A” are advancement. “S” tables are shared. “F” tables are finance.
25 Constituent Module u Stores basic ID information Names, ID’s addresses, Stores biographical information Gender, birth date, age, ethnicity Stores other information Cross references, interests
26 Constituent Module (cont) u What defines a constituent n A constituent must have at least one donor category and a preferred address. If the constituent is an alumnus, then he must have a college code and class year n Persons as well as non-persons can be constituents. Organizations, corporations, foundations
27 Constituent Module (cont) u A person or organization must be a constituent in order to process additional information retained in the Advancement module. u Gifts, pledges, memberships, or to be tracked as a prospect.
28 Organization Module u Organizations, like persons, must have a donor category code n For organizations, Banner stores u Donor category code, primary contacts, secondary contacts, matching gift information, cross references to employees u Financial information, activities, relationships to others, funding areas
29 Campaigns u Should reflect the structure and priorities of your fund raising efforts u Should represent an over-all fund raising strategy over a period of time u Tracks gifts and pledges u Flexible Provides on-line, up to the second reporting
30 Campaigns (cont) u Cornerstone of Banner reporting u Monitors progress of fund-raising goals u Must be developed before gifts and pledges can be processed.
31 Designations u Directs the gift or pledge to a specific account u Specifies a purpose for the gift or pledge u Must be associated with at least one campaign before a gift can be processed u Provides purpose for VSE/CFAE reporting u Interfaces with Finance
32 Pledges u Add and maintain pledges u Store installment plans and solicitation information u Mass entry of similar pledges
33 Gift and Pledge Payment u Record and track gifts and pledge payments u Enter matching gifts
34 Interfaces u There are three interfaces to other Banner systems n Feed to Banner Finance u Passes gift and/or gift and pledge information Finance Requires FOAPALS in Finance n Feed with Human Resources if donor wants funds taken from paycheck n Student to Advancement Makes new grads alumni Advancement can select students on credit hours
35 Prospect Management u Allows Advancement to manage the relationship between the donor and the institution n Assignment of staff with different roles n Rate the prospect in different ways n Track contacts made with a prospect n Embed call reports in Banner contacts
36 Prospect Management u Tools n Create strategic plans for prospect – moves management n Create and track proposals n Available via Self-Service for Advancement Professionals (web product)
37 Gift Society u Allows institution to recognize donors at various levels u Institution determines rules for recognition for gift society membership u Facilitates the preparation of the honor role of donors
38 Membership u Allows an institution to track constituent’s involvement in membership programs u Maintains dues payments, generates reminders and renewal notice mailings u Provides a dues payment acknowledgement process
39 Solicitor Organizations u Track results of solicitation efforts u Give appropriate credit to solicitation effort responsible for the gift u Give credit to solicitor who contacted the donor u Track responses to solicitation efforts u Compare results of solicitation efforts over time
40 Event Management u Allows institution to track participation and attendance at events u Part of the general system and can be used by other Banner systems
41 Alumni Self Service (web) u Each Banner system has a self-service product u Alumni Self-Service allows communication between the constituents and the institution u Allows for job posting, mentoring involvement, tracking of interests u Allows for change of address and select other information direct to Banner database (with audit) u Allows for pledges and gifts via the web
42 Self-Service for Advancement u Allows for creation of constituent profiles on line u Allows processing of contact/call reports via the web u Allows creation of population selections
43 Action Line and Listserv u SCT action line provides support to Banner clients n Action Web log-in n Listservs for each system u Balumni u To sign up, u to u In message, subscribe balumni (your name)
44 Consultant Julia A. Paris, Functional Consultant u Banner Advancement u SCT Consulting Practices Office: u Cell: u Leadership-Choices-Excellence
45 n Self-service for students, faculty and staff n Ease of communication n Access information n Manage the big picture n Exchange information n Automate actions n Integrate learning n Microsoft TCO n Easy to deploy Text