The Palmetto Society Leaders in the workplace Leaders in the community Leaders in caring
2 United Way of Greenville County donors contributing $1,000 or more annually. The Palmetto Society 2010 Palmetto Society Membership represents: 3,748 individuals contributing over $6.7 million dollars raised to help our community. 58% of the employee and individual dollars raised through the annual campaign.
3 SMALL SACRIFICES CAN CREATE BIG IMPACT! GIVE BACK A LOT… Covers the cost of GED exams for 12 individuals looking to build a better life for themselves and their families GIVE BACK A LOT… Covers the cost of GED exams for 12 individuals looking to build a better life for themselves and their families Give up a little… Brown bagging your lunch just two days each week (saves $1,000+ annually) Give up a little… Brown bagging your lunch just two days each week (saves $1,000+ annually) Give up a little… Cooking at home vs. eating out once a week (saves $1,500+ annually) Give up a little… Cooking at home vs. eating out once a week (saves $1,500+ annually) GIVE BACK A LOT… Provides a week’s worth of groceries for 15 families in need! GIVE BACK A LOT… Provides a week’s worth of groceries for 15 families in need!
4 Michelin New Member Step Up Challenge! TWO CHALLENGE OPTIONS Option A – New Member Step-up Year 1 – 2011/2012 – Pledge $750 Year 2 – 2012/2013 – Pledge $1,000 You will be recognized in Year 1 as a Palmetto Society donor by committing to step up to $1,000 in Year 2.
5 Michelin New Member Step Up Challenge! Option B – New Member Leader’s Circle Step-up Year 1 – 2011/2012 – Pledge $1,000 Year 2 – 2012/2013 – Pledge $1,500 You will be recognized in Year 1 at the Leader’s Circle Level by committing to step up to $1,500 in Year 2.
6 Benefits of Palmetto Society membership Networking opportunities with other leaders in our community. Invitations to special donor events. (all events are sponsored by local companies) Recognition in the annual Palmetto Society Leaders in Giving roster. Affiliation with Palmetto Society Initiatives. Serving as a Leader in Caring for our community and knowing each day you are helping those whose names you will never know but will have a tremendous impact in their lives.
7 Table 301 Downtown Dining Certificate Palmetto Society donors will receive $25 certificates good toward the purchase of two entrees quarterly at the following Table 301 restaurants (=12 dinners) (One certificate for each restaurant quarterly in 2012)
8 Fantastic Celebration Hands on Volunteer Projects “ AALG Speed Mentoring” AALG New Member Recognition
9 Women Make a Difference Luncheon - “ Wear One Bring One” Women Make a Difference Luncheon - “Wear One Bring One” Jobs to Careers - Women Helping Women Scholarship Program Women in Banking Women in Real Estate Women Attorneys Women Engineers Volunteer Income Tax Assistance New Member Reception
What is the YP Mentor Program? Purpose – to bring awareness to and promote mentoring of young professionals Mentor of the Year Recognition – presented by Michelin – YP Members nominate their mentors – Nomination Forms Due November 1 – Mentor of the Year Event held early 2012 YP Mentor Series to engage and build relationships with mentors Call for more information
What is ? A group of donors age 29 and under who give $500+ annual through United Way and make the commitment to give $1,000 annually by age YP20s members are involved in all YP events and activities YP20s members have several additional networking opportunities throughout the year Happy Hour Social at Nose Dive – held May 18 Bowling Greenville Drive Game Poverty Simulation Other Volunteer Projects What do YP20s Members Do?
13 Palmetto Society at (company name) (#) of Palmetto Society members ($’s) contributed (%) of the (company name) employee contributions Please consider a United Way Palmetto Society gift this year. It will make a positive difference for our entire community!
Thank You for your support! For additional information on the Palmetto Society you may contact (Company contact) at (extension).