TABLE CAPTAIN TRAINING January 2012 Champions for the Children!
A GENDA Welcome & Introductions Event Overview Historical Outcomes Goals & Objectives Table Captain Role & Responsibilities Resources for Table Captains Questions & Answers
E VENT O VERVIEW The Annual Fundraising Breakfast… is DHCDC’s largest annual fundraiser is sponsored by Old Point National Bank highlights the programs and children of DHCDC guests are asked to make a contribution to DHCDC at the end of the program
2010 S TATS From 2003 until 2011 our total number of gifts has gone from 80 to 391
G OALS & O BJECTIVES Goal: Raise $100,000 on April 25, 2012 Increase level of giving among all participants! Goal: $2500 per table Communicate suggested minimum donation level to your guests. Suggested minimum donation is $ Gift may be given all at once or over time Online donation options available
H OW CAN WE GROW ? Challenge guests to make multi-year pledge commitment 16 pledges were made last year Only 5 were for multiple years Challenge guests to get to NAP Tax Credit level Only 34 of 300 gifts were NAP credit eligible Advertise Levels of Recognition
L EVELS OF R ECOGNITION Champion of the Children $5,000 and up Benefactor of the Children $3,000 - $4,999 Guardian of the Children $1,000 - $2,999 Friend of the Children $500 - $999 **Published in our Annual Report, on our website and on our new Community Board (at DHCDC).
Y OUR JOB AS TABLE CAPTAIN Fill your table(s) Use a personal touch - Invite your guests in person or with a personal phone call Send each person who agrees to attend as your guest the postcard with a personal note on the bottom. Submit your guests’ contact information to Kim Spielman at
T HE DAY OF THE E VENT Plan to arrive at 7:30 to check in and host your table by greeting and helping your guests feel welcome. Encourage guests to arrive by 7:45 so that they can find their table prior to the start of the program WAIT to pass out pledge cards until the Board President explains the pledge card! Collect all pledge cards prior to your guests’ departure. PLEASE thank each of your guests for coming & giving!
R ESOURCES FOR T ABLE C APTAINS Visit Invite potential guests to a Milk & Cookies Visit Contact: Kim Spielman at or Sarah Hutchens at or
I NVITE POTENTIAL GUESTS TO A M ILK & C OOKIES V ISIT Guests will see the children in action, get a tour and hear a short presentation about DHCDC. Guests are NOT asked for a donation at this event. This is a great way to get your guests invested prior to the breakfast or to persuade them to become your guests on April 25 Dates are as follows (Milk & Cookies Visits last one hour): February: 9, 13 March: 8, 13, 20 Kim Spielman at the names of the contacts you would like us to invite OR contact us to discuss hosting your own Milk &
T ABLE C APTAIN I NCENTIVES The Table Captain who brings in the highest dollar amount on April 25, 2012, will win a prize. Just for being a Table Captain this year, all Table Captains will be entered into a drawing for a prize. Prizes will be announced once details are confirmed. Stay tuned!
T OP F EARS OF T ABLE C APTAINS What if I can't get 9 people? That’s okay, we will combine tables if necessary. Just do your best. What if my guests can't give much money, or any at all? That’s okay too… sometimes those guests may have connections to others or may wish to be a Table Captain in the future. What if people say no? Let them know we will mail them a pledge card and information about DHCDC.
THANK YOU for your willingness to act as an ambassador for DHCDC’s 10th Annual Fundraising Breakfast!