Tuttle Elementary School “Increasing Classroom Instructional Time by Reducing Behaviors” Oct. 16, 2012 RTI Best Practices Institute Ice Breaker: Synergize
Why are we spending time on behavior when our students are academically lagging behind? Purpose: Participants will gain ideas and strategies that will increase instructional time in the classroom and reduce problematic behaviors for at risk students. An RTI behavioral model will be explored. Topics: Behavioral Core Curriculum (Tier 1), Behavioral Interventions (Tier 2/3), PBIS Model, Strategies to Reduce Behaviors and Gain Parental Support Participants will be able to: 1. Take away components of a sound core curriculum for behavior and apply these components to individual schools. 2. Learn new strategies to implement at the Tier 2 and Tier 3 levels for behavior. 3. Learn ideas for involving parents more in the prevention of severe behavioral problems by utilizing collaboration and team work.
Reflection Time Answer the following questions with your group and be prepared to discuss your ideas. 1.What are the major discipline issues facing your school? 2.What are good strategies that you have in place now that are working? 3.What questions do you hope to find answers to in this session?
Behavioral Core Curriculum RTI Tier 1 What Really Matters: Consistency, Structure, Expectations
Core Curriculum Framework PBIS Framework for Behavior Time To Teach by Rick Dahlgren, Melanie Lattimer Covey’s 7 Habits of Happy Kids Rachel’s Challenge: Anti-Bullying Program
Success Celebrations: Partnerships with Community Swim Day Maiden Fire Department joins us for Water Day. Students enjoy a Hickory Crawdad’s game! Carolina Panther’s support Tuttle students! Brown’s Tree Work and Bucket help us support JDRF. Maiden High School students are always helping out with events. Remaxx takes teachers and students up, up, and away! Carolina Theater opens their doors to Tuttle to enjoy Yogi Bear or Tangled. The local newspaper takes pictures of students achieving their goals!
Tuttle Elementary School Pledge As a student at Tuttle Elementary School, I pledge to put forth my best each day! I will be safe, responsible, and respectful. Tuttle Elementary is a special place because we believe that here at Tuttle We are good to each other! By Rebecca Romeo Click
Time To Teach Training sponsored by The Center For Teacher Effectiveness. Timetoteachertrainer.com An instructional approach to classroom management that is composed of easy to use lesson plans that teach students procedures for good behavior. Taught the 1 st month of school (8 plans) and revisited every 9 weeks. Reminders and matrix posted throughout the school building and in every classroom. =relatedhttp:// =related TIME TO TEACH
7 Habits of Happy Kids Stephen Covey Character Education Framework Based on the Covey’s book: “The Leader in Me” Encourages student leadership, goal setting, positive self-esteem, and good character. Habits: Be Proactive, Begin With the End in Mind, Put 1 st Things 1 st, Think Win-Win, Seek First To Understand Then to Be Understood, Synergize, Sharpen the Saw Focus on 1 per Month with Lesson Plan Notebook Student of the Week and Quarterly Awards based on these habits NC Pilot for Linking Habits with 21 st Century Learning. Habits Song 7 Habits Activity, Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
RACHEL’S CHALLENGE Rachel's Challenge Objectives for Schools: Create a safe learning environment for all students by re-establishing civility and delivering proactive antidotes to school violence and bullying. Improve academic achievement by engaging students' hearts, heads and hands in the learning process. Provide students with social/emotional education that is culturally relevant. Train adults to inspire, equip and empower students to affect permanent positive change. =relatedhttp:// =related Share time --- Share with the group any innovative ideas your school is using to enhance Behavioral Core Curriculum.
Teacher Expectations Embrace PBIS! Teach expectations-first 2 weeks of school, revisit once a month (28 times to create a new habit) Set monthly Turtle goal & incentive- make PBIS bulletin board to showcase upcoming incentives. Give “Turtles” to other classes Reward your students by giving Turtle Tokens when students are meeting expectations. Allow students to use tokens to take advantage of individual incentives as they wish. Follow tier procedures for office referral- when student enters Tier 1 include Romeo in meeting. PBIS/RTI Plan Office Ref. 1-2 Tier 1 (Romeo) 1 session of Social Skills to be completed in AFD (after school detention) (Tier 1 paperwork completed by Rebecca Romeo and teacher with parent) Office Ref. 3-5 Tier 2 (Romeo) 4 weeks (1-2 x per week) of Social Skills during the day and AFD (Tier 2 paperwork completed by Rebecca Romeo and teacher with parent) Office Ref. 6+ Tier 3 (Romeo) Intense Social Skills/Behavior Plan/Functional Behavior Assessment (Romeo ) Team meeting with parents to include a behavioral specialist Administration Expectation Provide turtle tokens Provide token store- twice a 9 weeks Provide Success Celebrations- end of 9 weeks AP Expectation Copy of ISS form to Romeo and Teacher- end of each day for the next day. Work with Romeo on management system for tracking students.
What if the Core Curriculum doesn’t work? Tier 2 Interventions
Classroom Discipline Plan Refocus Forms, Teacher-Student Conference, Teacher-Parent Conference, Alternative Classroom Time-outs, Focus on Teacher-Student Relationship Building
Office Discipline Plan Refocus Forms, Teacher-Student Conference, Teacher-Parent Conference, Alternative Classroom Time-outs, Focus on Teacher-Student Relationship Building
Office Discipline Plan **Preventive Behavioral Groups are offered based on last year’s data by our counselor along with at-risk buddy/teacher assignments. 1.Administration/Student Conference 2.AFD (After-School Detention), Non-instructional time – time-outs, OSS in extreme cases. 3.AFD: focuses on reflection, ownership, and restitution. When parents pick up child from AFD, a conference is conducted to address behavior and tier paperwork is signed if needed, follow-up conferences are essential. 4.Curriculum used for AFD and other intervention groups: 2 nd Steps Curriculum. 5.Other Cognitive Restructuring Tools are used: Interventions for In-School Suspension by Catherine H. Pardue How to Stop Before you Pop by Kathie Guild
Tier 3 Interventions Aimsweb Behavior Program ( 1.Includes a universal screener x per year. 2.Includes a method for creating behavior plans for students. 3.Interventions are embedded in the program. 4.Easy access to progress monitoring. 5.Detects underlying student issues before they are observable. Behavior Contracts Functional Behavior Assessments
Unique Implementation Strategies PBIS is coordinated with the RTI process Goals on IGP’s for teachers must include the incorporation of Happy Kids Lesson Plans. Staff is trained and implements Time to Teach Madeline Hunter and John Woodend Character Ambassadors model expectations Student recognition: Student Council, Terrific Kids, Shining Stars, Happy Kids Award (all based on following School Basics) Student Data Note-Booking and emphasis on Leadership Rachel’s Challenge School