New Jersey State Employees Charitable Campaign Oct. 2 – Dec. 10 2012 How to Pledge online New Jersey State Employees Charitable Campaign Oct. 2 – Dec. 10 2012
Highlights State employees will be able to complete the pledge process through an online platform System is secure, simple and paperless Pledge information will be submitted to the Centralized Payroll at the close of the campaign for upload into the payroll system. Coordinators do not need to collect online pledges and send them to Payroll or the NJSECC office The system also eliminates the need to follow up with donors about pledges with invalid charity code numbers, incorrect calculations or missing information
Getting Started . . . .
Signing Up. . . . Use the keyword search to find your state agency and select “click to expand” to view your location
Signing Up. . . . Select your location from the list and go to step two at right
Complete the registration. . . . Complete the registration by filling in your first and last name as they appear on your paystub Enter your preferred email (it can be office or personal, your choice) Create a username that you will remember and a secure password Click “register me” and you will receive an email confirmation
Welcome . . . . Logging In Enter username Enter password Note that if you forget your password you can reset it by selecting “I forgot my password”
Successful Login
Begin the Pledge Process Enter your EMPLOYEE ID NUMBER If you do not know your Employee ID Number: If applicable, visit the NJ Civil Service Commission’s NJ Govt Employee ID Number Inquiry System: Your Employee ID Number is also on your eCATS timesheet, if you use the eCATS timekeeping system. Otherwise, contact your Coordinator for instruction. Select the pledge type (payroll, cash or check)
Pledge Type . . . . Payroll Deduction Select Payroll Contribution Select the Payroll Period Enter Amount Per Pay Period to be deducted Note the Total Annual Gift amount (automatically calculated) Click the Payroll Deduction Authorization button Remember that your contribution must be a min. of $52 for each organization to which you want to designate your gift.
Pledge Type . . . . Cash or Check Select Cash or Check Pledge. Enter Total Pledge Amount Note you must submit cash or check to your Coordinator
Request An Acknowledgement This is optional, if you would like to release your information to the charity or charities of your designation.
Search Charities/Designations Donors may click on the Click Here to Switch to Search Mode button to search charities by name or key words OR Donors may browse through charities by clicking on the green symbol before each charity group/federation to expand each membership. Donors may also choose to give to the Campaign Undesignated which is distributed among all charities in proportion to their pledges.
Enter Designations Donors may check out charity websites by clicking on the button Once designations have been made, donors may click on the button to move the charity(ies) to the allocation column Designations after chosen charity(ies) are listed in the allocation column, the amount to be designated to each charity should be entered in the currency field OR click on the gray button to divide all or remainder of funds evenly.
Completing Pledge/Donation Once the entire pledge amount has been allocated, the Enter Pledge button will be enabled After ensuring allocations are correct, the Enter Pledge button should be clicked to complete the pledging process
Email Confirmation Donors will automatically receive an email message after completing the pledge
Pledge Summary Donors may return to the site and click on the gray pledge box to print or email themselves a copy of the pledge.
Pledge Summary - Detailed Donors can log in at any time to email or print a copy of the pledge detail
Questions? David Fine 800.242.4356 x16