Local project – Hope 4 Youth Hope 4 Youth Donation Center needs volunteers on Saturday mornings 9:00-12:00. This is We Act Club’s local cause! Please sign up for at least two shifts between now and May Sign up on line or after the meeting! We will be doing a clothing drive and food drive in the spring.
Global Project - FMSC We go as a school EVERY month and We Act Club is the “host” club – We NEED you! Have you done at least 1 or 2 so far this year? By the end of the year there will have been over 15 shifts (some months have 2 on the same day). You should have a goal to make at least 5-7! Sign up for AT LEAST ONE shift this month Next scheduled: January 19th, 9:30-11:30, 12:00-2:00, 2:30-4:30 Sign up for one, two or all three shifts! – Go to the website to sign up or sign up after the meeting – We need 18+ volunteers – can your parents stay to help? Sign up on the website under 18+ and indicate “parent” in the comments. Invite a friend that is NOT in We Act to join you!
Global Project - FMSC Fund Raising starts now! Take a Mania Box or M&M container or both to start collecting your change! M&M containers full of quarters are $14! Make it a family effort! Are there other places your could leave Mania Boxes? You can bring them in when full and get another or keep until the end yourself. One month to collect! How much can we get?! Also, keep savingyour milk jugs in three weeks we need 120 of them!
Invite to “Bengal BASH” Bengals Against Starvation & Hunger Wednesday January 28 th 7:30am in the Auditorium Invite your friends! Let’s pack the auditorium! Speakers: Founder of Hope 4 Youth Former student that struggled with homelessness More? Media will be here!
Polar Plunge Join other BHS in PWAP and We Act Club (plus others too) in taking the Polar Plunge! When: Saturday, February 28th Where: Crooked Lake, Coon Rapids What: Get pledges and then jump into the lake! Why: Pledges/donations go to Special Olympics Minnesota and a portion comes back to the group as a fund raiser! Sign Up here: join the Blaine High School Students in Action team. When signing up you set a pledge goal & then have until February 28 to get the pledges Pledge the group or a specific plunger at the same site Tell your friends and family asking them to pledge you and/or our group! YOU need at least $75 in pledges to participate. There are incentives given depending on your pledge amount – they can be seen at the site!