A catalyst for frontline
We are kind of at the point of no return in terms of trying to deal with some of our problems in a linear way. We need non-linear change and non-linear change only happens when you get a wildfire of support from the people. Joi Ito Disruptive Technology Innovator ”
‘we need the unleashing of creative energy and the mobilising of collective action for change’ CE NHS England ‘ turbo-charging’ change in the NHS. CE Monitor ‘the greatest transformational force for change will come from within the NHS by engaging the clinical workforce in change’ Kings Fund
What we know Change is happening at a faster rate A blurring of boundaries between personal and professional lives Heirarchical management structures are being eroded
“Being an effective change agent is less to do with heirarchical power or positional authority and more to do with ability to influence through network” NHS White paper – New Era of thinking and
Thinking Radically “scenarios of fundamental change are preceded by leaders starting to think in radically different ways with a different logic about how to achieve change”
Stop asking for permission to be great
8© Duarte, Inc The inaugural Change Day 2014 Event in Review
Australia is now part of a global movement for change in health and social care. 15,400 pledges made in 2014 Mary Freer Founder, Change Day Australia WE NEED CHANGE DAY
“Social Media is a conversation. Between millions of people. Word of mouth on steroids. FutureGP Dave Townsend
CHANGE DAY IS A FRONTLINE LED MOVEMENT THAT INSPIRES AND MOBILISES PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. Change Day 2014 was inspired by the very first NHS Change Day in March In 2013 they received over 160,000 pledges to improve outcomes for patients and clients. In their second year they reached over half a million. WHAT IS CHANGE DAY? Dr Jacquie Garton-Smith, Clinical Lead, Cardiovascular Health Network, DoHWA
In our first year more than 15,000 people made a pledge to do something better! Mobilise and energise people in health and community care to create better outcomes for individuals, communities and the system as a whole. We have a shared purpose to improve health and social care outcomes.
“ WE CREATED CHANGE DAY 2014 WITH 6 INCHES OF STRING AND SOME STICKY TAPE” OUR BUDGET = big zero Website Marketing Printing Salaries Office rental Administration Travel Accommodation – OUR RESULT 15,400 pledges Every state and territory Weekly e-newsletter Monthly Advisory Team tele conf 1000’s of s and tweets
We used social media to create a paradigm shift
Doing better: together #changedayaus
18© Duarte, Inc Photo: Copyright I pledge to use my last 2 years of Medical School to be open to every learning opportunity to become the best GP I can for my community. I pledge to be as friendly and optimistic and approachable as I can be whenever I am with a patient. I pledge to do one thing every day to embed a culture of patient centred care in my hospital.
Change Day resonates with young and emerging health leaders. They have a vision for a future health system and it is a vision that includes collaboration, compassion and innovation. These emerging leaders are connected, and with their help the Change Day message spreads far and wide. THE CAMPAIGN SPEAKS TO EMERGING HEALTH LEADERS
11th March 2015
Change Day is an opportunity for you to drive the behaviours and the culture you want to see flourish your organisation. This movement for social change needs leaders like you.
CROWDFUNDING is GO! We’d really appreciate your help to make Change Day 2015 bigger and better startsomegood.com/changedayaus
11th March 2015