Reasons For War The United States was under attack despite its Neutrality by Germany’s pursuit of submarine warfare. What documents/ quotes support this reason for war? What do you think are the key events that support this reason? How does submarine warfare relate to the other reasons?
US entry into WWI- 3 phases of Submarine Warfare Feb 25 1917 sinking of the Loconia- 2 US citizens Secret order: no passenger ships June 6th Germany Declares Submarine War Zone-Feb 04 1915 1914 1918 Pless Castle Conference- Jan 1917 Sinking of the Arabic; Pledge Britian Declares North Sea a Military Area-Nov. 3, 1914 Sinking of the Sussex, 1916 Lusitania May 7, 1915 Apply Declaration of London-1914 Feb 1917 Sinking of U.S.S. Housatonic Lusitania Notes "Strict Accountability" Feb. 10, 1915 Sussex Ultimatum; Pledge Mar 12-16 1917 4 US ships sunk without warning Germans take out adds in the Times
War Zones
Review What are the three stupid ships? What made the Lusitania significant? What made the Arabic significant? What made the Sussex significant?
Reasons For War The US policy of Strict Accountability forced Wilson to go to war for America’s honor. Review the following primary source: How does the document define Strict Accountability? How does it try to say that US is applying this doctrine to the both sides? In what way does this document answer our essential questions? ‘What was the nature of US neutrality?’ ‘Why did the US enter WWI?’
America’s honor What documents/ quotes support this reason for war? What do you think are the key events that support this reason? How does submarine warfare relate to the this reason?
US entry into WWI- American Honor Feb 25 1917 sinking of the Loconia- 2 US citizens Secret order: no passenger ships June 6th Germany Declares Submarine War Zone-Feb 04 1915 1914 1918 Pless Castle Conference- Jan 1917 Sinking of the Arabic; Pledge Britian Declares North Sea a Military Area-Nov. 3, 1914 Sinking of the Sussex, 1916 Lusitania May 7, 1915 Apply Declaration of London-1914 Lusitania Notes Feb 1917 Sinking of U.S.S. Housatonic Sussex Ultimatum; Pledge "Strict Accountability" Feb. 10, 1915 Wilson & the McLemore Resolution Feb 24 1916 Gore Resolution tabled Mar 3 1916
Reasons For War To make the world “safe for democracy” (Just say no to a German Dominated Europe) What documents/ quotes support this reason for war? What do you think are the key events that support this reason? How does submarine warfare relate to the this reason?
"Strict Accountability" US entry into WWI- “safe for democracy” 1914 1918 Peace without Victory Speech Jan 22 1917 Lusitania & the notes May 7, 1915 Zimmerman Note Mar 1,1917 Sussex Pledge and Ultimatum-1916 Russian Rev: Democratic Gov. Mar 16 1917 "Strict Accountability" Feb. 10, 1915 House-Grey Memorandum Feb 22 1916 ?
Wilson’s Own Words Our to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the world as against selfish and autocratic power.... We are fight...for the ultimate peace of the world and for the liberation of its peoples, the German peoples included: for the right of nations great and small and the privilege of men everywhere to choose their way of life and of obedience. The world must be made safe for democracy.... -- President Woodrow Wilson's War Message (April 1917)
Russian Revolution Russian Revolution: 1917 Czar under constant pressure from early 1900s until WWI. March 1917 steps down Democratic gov. decided to stay in the War supported by allies Lenin (Marxist) supported by Germany. Russia surrendered in 1918. Allies tried to overthrow Lenin. 1920 Soviet Union was formed. 11 11 11
Reasons For War To create a new world order that would fulfill the promise to make WWI “the war to end all war.” What documents/ quotes support this reason for war? What do you think are the key events that support this reason? How does submarine warfare relate to the this reason?
Reasons For War To create a new world order that would fulfill the promise to make WWI “the war to end all war.” Rhetoric Peace without victory 14 Points War Message The Treaty of Versailles
Reasons For War For economic reasons as the US was tied to the Allies through loans and trade. What documents/ quotes support this reason for war? What do you think are the key events that support this reason? How does submarine warfare relate to the this reason?
US entry into WWI- Economic Reasons 1914 1917 Germany Declares Submarine War Zone-Feb 04 1915 Britian Declares North Sea a Military Area-Nov. 3, 1914 Apply Declaration of London-1914 Wilson lifts ban on direct loans Sep 1915 Oct 1914 Wilson opens the door to lending "Strict Accountability" Feb. 10, 1915
Reasons For War Because of cultural, historical, and economic ties to Great Britain influenced by American and British propaganda. What documents/ quotes support this reason for war? What do you think are the key events that support this reason? How does submarine warfare relate to the this reason?
"Strict Accountability" US entry into WWI- British connections 1914 1918 Boyce Report May 12, 1915 Britian's Black List Jul 18, 1916 Oct 1914 Wilson opens the door to lending Secret Service & German documents Jul 24, 1915 House-Grey Memorandum Feb 22, 1916 Zimmerman Note given to US Government Feb 24, 1917 "Strict Accountability" Feb. 10, 1915 Wilson lifts ban on direct loans Sep 1915
British Propaganda Controlled US access to information about the war Transatlantic cables Defense of the Realm Act Censored the Mail Controlled US access to information about the war