Processing pledge forms This brief presentation covers how to process & report your hard copy pledge forms
Form a CFC campaign team!! As many of your employees will want to participate, you’ll need some assisting in reaching 100% solicitation. To help ensure 100% solicitation of your employees, it is recommended that you recruit 1 keyworker for every employees. With this ratio, if your keyworkers speak to 2 people a day, your campaign solicitation will be complete in about 13 days.
Use the CFC website at You are encouraged to have your employees pledge on-line. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR CFC REPRESENTATIVE FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS. CFC Nexus – is an electronic pledging tool, but is not directly linked to your payroll office. Pledge forms are completed on-line and you may download them in batch to send directly to your payroll office. If your agency provides it, Employee Express & MyPay is linked directly to your payroll office. A report of these pledges will be sent to you from the CFC offices.
Now for the paper pledge. The donor should provide his/her name, agency name & address, SSN or ID and telephone. Make sure donors are using the 2014 pledge form
If employee is civilian Next, the donor should indicate if he/she is a civilian and record the payroll deduction and annual amount. The amount X the interval should equal the total (annual)gift. If this is not correct, the form will be returned for correction.
If employee is military Or, the donor should indicate if he/she is military and record the payroll deduction and annual amount. The amount X the interval should equal the total (annual) gift.
Now, the donor should consult the on-line or hardcopy charity list, record the 5 digit CFC code of their selected charity or charities and allocate their pledge between the charities. A donor may record up to 5 charities per pledge form and submit multiple forms – however, be sure the annual amount (allocated among the selected charities) is equal to the total gift.
The donor should now should sign and date the pledge form authorizing the payroll deduction and, if he/she wishes, authorize the release of their information to their selected charities so they can communicate with them.
If a donor wishes to make a cash/check contribution, they should leave the payroll section blank and record their check number & amount. Also, they should not include their SSN, nor should they sign the pledge form. Only provide the date.
As you have noticed, there are 3 parts to the pledge form. The pink copy stays with the donor for his/her records. The yellow copy is sent to the CFC office to ensure accurate disbursements. And the white copy is sent directly to your payroll office to initiate the payroll deductions. Again, don’t forget to use the 2014 form.
As keyworkers receive pledge forms, the pink copy should stay with the donor, they white copy should be kept separate and sent directly to your payroll office for processing. And the yellow copy should be placed inside the keyworker envelop. Then the keyworker envelope is summarized to reflect the pledge forms inside.
When you receive envelopes from your keyworkers, make sure no white forms are included and place the keyworker envelopes in the coordinator envelops provided. PLEASE REMEMBER – please send all white payroll deductions forms directly to your payroll office for processing. And please give the white portion of the check/cash pledge form to the donor. We don’t want payroll to process these pledges!!!
REMEMBER. Do not include white pledge forms in these envelopes. They should be placed in an agency envelope and sent directly to your payroll office for processing. And please give the white portion of a check/cash pledge form to the donor. It would be bad news if payroll were to process these pledges!!!
Please note!! Remember. This presentation is for processing the paper pledge form only. Please do not include pledges made through CFC Nexus or Employee Express in your coordinator report envelope. It will cause them to be duplicated. A report of pledges made through Employee Express & MyPay will be sent to you from the CFC office. If you would like, you may register as a CFC Nexus user and download a report of your CFC Nexus pledges. Ask your CFC representative for more details.
After placing keyworker envelope(s) in the coordinator envelope (you may include multiple keyworker envelopes), please fill out the envelope as indicated above, also indicating the pledges included in the keyworker envelopes enclosed.
Now you may either call your CFC representative to pick up your report envelope, or you may mail it to: CFC 1150 S. Olive Street, Suite T500 Los Angeles, CA Attn: Gabriel Argumaniz or Demetrius Stevenson
Thank you for all of your efforts and dedication!!