Moment of Silence
Lunch Seating Art Major
This week’s art rotation Monday – B Day Tuesday – C Day Wednesday – A Day Thursday – B Day Friday – C Day
The book fair continues today and tomorrow in the media center
The ACT Aspire test will be given next week!
Congratulations to the Middle School orchestra for receiving a Superior rating at Dollywood, 1 st place in their division, and 1 st place overall!
Congratulations to the Middle School band for receiving an Excellent rating at Dollywood (only 1.2 Points away from Superior) and 1 st place in their division.
Congratulations to the Middle School chorus and the high school chorus chamber choir for receiving superior ratings at Disney World this past weekend!
Congratulations to Kerrington Johnson for being chosen as a state finalist in the National American Miss South Carolina Pageant. She will be competing in the Junior Teenage Division in June.
The winner of the pageant will receive a $1000 cash award, the official crown and banner, a bouquet of roses, and a flight to California to compete in the National Pageant where she would receive a tour of Hollywood and two VIP tickets to Disneyland!
T.L. Hanna High School Freshman Orientation Next Tuesday, April 28 6:00-7:15
Nobility is: Having the integrity to do the right thing even when no one is watching Displaying courteous and mannerly behavior at all times Treating others with respect and dignity
The 4 Way Test “Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Have Courage and Be Kind