Recent data from IBBIS shows we need: Increase our return rate for apheresis donors Give the donor an excellent experience so the donor WANTS to come back Work harder to increase our pool of first-time apheresis donors
Step 1 - Educate Talk to whole blood donors about donating platelets via apheresis at their current whole blood donation. If they are interested give them the informational flyer and talk to them about the process of donating apheresis. Use the flyer as a guide for talking points. The donor can keep the flyer.
Apheresis Informational Flyer Purpose: To give donors more in-depth information on the apheresis process Distribution: –Blood Mobiles –Donor Centers –Community Events
Informational Flyer (front) Definition How long it takes Why it is important Donate as much as often as you can The process
Informational Flyer (back) Maps to all donor centers Address and phone and Locator line Inspirational story
Step 2 - Commitment After educating the donor on apheresis suggest the donor fill out a pledge card for more information or to schedule an appointment when it is convenient.
Apheresis Pledge Cards Apheresis pledge cards are to given to donors who are not currently donating apheresis. Distribute at: Donor Centers Blood Mobiles Community Events
1.Make sure the donor fills out all the fields on the card. 2.Collect the card from the donor and keep the card. 3.Designate a place to keep all the cards you collect that day. 4.Do not let the donor take the pledge card with them.
Processing Pledge Cards Step 1: After collecting the card, turn the card over and fill in your name (tech) and your region. Step 2: At the end of the drive gather all the pledge cards and interoffice them to Donor Scheduling at headquarters. Step 3: Donor Scheduling will call the donor and fill in if the pledge was fulfilled with the date of donation. Step 4: Donor Scheduling will send the pledge card back to the originating region to keep. Comments are encouraged so the region and donor scheduling can better understand the donor’s preferences.
Step 3 – Get them to do it again All apheresis donors need to be asked to schedule their next appointment. After each apheresis donation fill out the appointment card with the donor just like you do at the dentist or any other reoccurring appointment you make. Give the card to the donor and circle the location.
Return Appointment Card Monday, June 10, p.m. Veronica Smith
(Back of card)
Step 4 – Make the donor feel special Donors who donate apheresis, donate their time as well as their platelets. Make sure to provide the best donor experience you can for these donors.