Program Overview and Goals The Stand For The Silent (SFTS) program addresses the issue of school bullying with an engaging, factual, and emotional methodology. With the help of student leaders, Kirk Smalley presents his inspirational story, and students are shown first-hand the life and death consequences of bullying. Through this unique approach, lives are changed for the better. Students, some for the first time, develop an empathetic awareness through education and understanding. The goal of the program is to start a SFTS chapter at each participating site. Each chapter consists of a group of students committed to change. These students will no longer stand for their peers to suffer at the hands of a bully. At the end of each event, pledge cards are given to those who agree to Stand for the Silent. The pledge speaks of respect and love...hope and aspiration. Above all, it illustrates the main lesson taught through the Stand For The Silent program: I AM SOMEBODY.
Overview Cont: Boaz City Schools and TEAM BOAZ is initiating a Stand For The Silent Program. School Resource Officer, Thomas Underwood, Boaz Police Department will be teaching this program to the students in all the schools in BCS. He will target the 5 th grade students. Officer Underwood will sponsor a Stand For The Silent Chapter in the Middle School and High School. This program was inspired by Kirk and Laura Smalley, Stand For The Silent. Officer Underwood program is a forty-five minute power point teaching students the definition of bullying, four types of bullying, and how to report bullying. It also teaches students to Stand Strong against bullying. At the end of each program, pledge cards are given to those who agree to Stand for the Silent. The pledge speaks of respect and love...hope and aspiration. Above all, it illustrates the main lesson taught through the Stand For The Silent program: I AM SOMEBODY.
“STAND FOR THE SILENT” PROGRAM OUTLINE I. Course Outline: A. Bullying Boxes. 1. Two Bullying Boxes in each school. a. Principal will determine where to locate Bullying Boxes. (1) Used for anonymous tips. 2. School Resource Officer. a. Check Bullying Boxes as needed. (1) Complaints will be investigated by S.R.O. and Faculty. B. Intermediate School: 1. S.R.O. teaches 5 th Grade Students. a. Power Point/Video. (1) Forty-five minutes. b. Take Pledge.. (1) Must agree to HONOR Pledge. c. Sign pledge card. d. Distribute T- Shirts. e. Distribute Bracelets (I AM SOMEBODY) 2. Encourage 5 th grade students to mentor 4 th grade students.
a. Student awareness about Anti-Bullying. 3. Encourage students to join M.S. Chapter. a. MUST present Pledge Card. C. Middle School: 1. “Stand For The Silent” Chapter. a. Meet once month. b. Elect Officers. (1) President. (2) Vice-President. (3) Secretary. (4) Treasure. c. Write “Stand For The Silent” Rules. (1) Come up with ideas to bring student awareness for Anti-Bullying. d. Setup booths at Sporting Events and City Events. (1) Sell T-Shirts, bracelets, bumper stickers, hats, etc. (2) Must take Pledge and sign Pledge Card. D. High School: 1. “Stand For The Silent” Chapter. a. Meet once month. b. Elect Officers.
(1) President. (2) Vice-President. (3) Secretary. (4) Treasure. c. Write “Stand For The Silent” Rules. (1) Come up with ideas to bring student awareness for Anti-Bullying. d. Setup booths at Sporting Events and City Events. (1) Sell T-Shirts, bracelets, bumper stickers, hats, etc. (2) Must take Pledge and sign Pledge Card. a. Visit Elementary and Corley Schools. (1) Wear “Stand For The Silent” Shirts/Bracelets. (2) Mentor the students about Anti- Bullying. (3) Give out Pencil Pouches. II. Graduation: A. Scholarship to Senior. 1. College of Choice. a. Most faithful member. b. Chosen by H.S. Chapter Members.
2. Plaques. a. For Officers III. Funding: A. Grants. B. Donations. 1. Local Businesses. 2. Private Donations. C. Fundraisers. 1. City Events. a. Setup booth. (1) Sell T-Shirts, bracelets, hats, bumper stickers, etc. 2. Sporting Events. a. Setup booth. (1) Sell T-Shirts, bracelets, hats, bumper stickers, etc. 3. Police Dept. Budget. a. “Stand For The Silent” Program. (1) Line item in budget. D. “Stand For The Silent” Program Account. 1. Account setup at BIS. a. Must get P.O. from Book Keeper. b. Principal must approve items purchased.
c. Principal must sign off on P.O. 2. Account setup at Police Dept. (a) Must get P.O. from Chief of Police. (b) Chief must approve items purchased. (c) Chief must sign off on P.O. IV. Bullying Policy: A Student Handbook Grades Pre K Class II: Intermediate Offenses. a. Section 2.15 Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation of a student or adult. V. Rehabilitation Act of 1973: A. Section This is a federal civil rights law that prohibits schools from discriminating against individuals with disabilities. B. Disability Harassment: 1. Intimidation or abusive behavior towards a student based on disability. Actions precipitated by teachers, students, and other employees can constitute “disability harassment.” C. Office for Civil Rights (OCR): 1. Agency charged with enforcing Section 504 in schools.
VI. The “Stand For The Silent” Program will be self supporting. It will not cost the students a membership fee and/or any monies to join a chapter or participate in the program. The School Resource Officer will be responsible for teaching the 5 th grade class. The S.R.O. will teach his/her class as requested by the Principals and Chief of Police when available. The S.R.O. will be responsible for sponsoring and overseeing the “Stand For The Silent” Program. The S.R.O. will do a monthly assessment report, financial report, and report any after school activities involving High School and Middle School Chapters to the Chief of Police, Superintenant and Principals.