Keyworker Training Johanna Estes DoD Loaned Executive
What We Will Cover The What, Who, Why, When The New The How (Roles, Tools/Supplies, Tips)
If You Remember Nothing Else…
What Is the CFC? President Kennedy initiated a formal national giving program for Federal employees in Since then, the CFC has evolved into the largest and most successful workplace giving program in the world Mission: A program to support philanthropy that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all CFCNCA raised more than $52 million in 2013 DoD raised $10.8 million More than 18,000 DoD employees made a gift to charities of their choice through the CFC in 2013
DoD CFC Chairs DoD CFC Chair The Honorable Chuck Hagel Secretary of Defense $11,300,000 Goal DoD CFC Vice Chair The Honorable Robert Work Deputy Secretary of Defense
Why Donate Through the CFCNCA? Give With Confidence 1.Quality - Strict oversight ensures highest levels of integrity and transparency 2.Choice - More than 4,400 charities that donors can choose from to support. 3.Giving Made Easy - Payroll deduction and online pledging tools provide an easy and convenient way to give 4.Maximize the Value of a Pledge - More of each pledge goes directly to the charities
What’s New This Year? “I Make It Possible…..and so can you” Universal Giving makes the CFC a true hometown giving campaign Year # 2 of eGiving through myPay Marketing plan continues to honor Federal Employees’ generosity New theme and graphics have been applied to existing website and campaign materials
Key Dates Campaign Start1 Sep DoD Kickoff 4 Sep DoD Charity Fair (Pentagon) 28 Sep - 2 Oct DoD Charity Fair (Pentagon) 2-4 Dec Campaign End Date 15 Dec
Your Role as a Keyworker “You are the Face of the Campaign” “Make the face-to-face ask” Ensure 100% opportunity to give for all employees Enable informed choices Encourage employees to use the resources on CFCNCA’s website: Be an advocate for increased participation Help run a quality campaign that will lead to an increased number of donors Protect donor information Use the right safeguards to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Regulatory Requirements Know the Rules Per OPM regulations, CFCNCA cannot: Require 100% participation Allow managers to solicit subordinates Pressure colleagues to give a specific amount Develop a list of non-contributors or contributors Coerce fellow employees Reference: 5 CFR 950 Solicitation of Federal Civilian and Uniformed Service Personnel Reference: 5 CFR 950 Solicitation of Federal Civilian and Uniformed Service Personnel
Keyworker Supplies Pledge Form Pledge Form Carrier (Form 100) Campaign Card Second Touch Cards Catalogue of Caring Keyworker Guide - includes: 8 Tip Volunteer Chart Volunteer Gift
Engaging Your Colleagues
Posters Join the Community of Caring at
Make “the Ask” Engage Personally and Positively In a national study, 800 Federal employees were interviewed: 70% said they would donate to CFC Only 36% gave The Keyworker never made “the ask” Campaign Cards Campaign Number: 0990 Reporting ID #: Recommend adding Organizational Data for Donor Reference
Making “the Ask” Be prepared and be sincere 1.Learn about the campaign - be able to explain why giving through the campaign is effective and easy 2.Consider making your own gift before asking others to give - to learn the process, and to demonstrate that you believe in what you are doing 3.Make “the ask” in person - to individualize the campaign 4.Encourage payroll deduction - explain how this approach spreads giving out over the year and makes it possible to make a more generous gift 5.Have a conversation to learn about causes important to employees - encourage employees to contribute to charities that support causes they care about Thank your donors! - Every contribution helps to “make it possible”!
Second Touch Card
Giving Options
Online version Available as PDF and online searchable database at Printed version Provide upon donor request Ask donors to share with co-workers Catalog of Caring Not distributed to every employee; donors can request copy from Keyworker
Online Charity Search For the first time ever, select charities of your choice from the CFC Universal Giving comprehensive list of more than 24,000 approved organizations Searchable online database Sort by name, keyword, location, administrative overhead rate, CFC code number or service category (e.g., health, disaster relief, education) Accessible 24/7 at “I’m so excited about the chance to give back to my Iowa hometown animal shelter!” – 2014 Planned Donor
Ways to Pledge Flexible and convenient! Payroll Deduction Credit / Debit Card E- Check Cash or Check Paper Copies DFAS MyPay Yes - Paperless No 1 Donor Receipt eGiving ( Yes – Print and Submit Yes - Paperless Yes – Print and Submit 2 Donor Receipt Payroll OR Cash/Check Form Paper Pledge FormYesNoYes 3 Donor Receipt (Blue) Payroll Copy (Yellow) Audit Copy (White)
DFAS MyPay Benefits Secure website Confidential No forms submitted to Keyworker Reduces costs and increases the money going directly to charities Available 24/7 from work or home Pledge online at DFAS MyPay
DFAS MyPay NCA Campaign Search NCA CODE = Key Training Point 1.The screen will ONLY be shown to active duty Army, Navy, and Air Force Personnel 2.All other donors’ campaign information will be automatically populated
Reporting Unit ID Key Training Point For an organization’s pledges to be properly credited the donor MUST enter the CFC Reporting Unit ID Reporting Unit ID (cont’d) Campaign Number: 0990 Reporting ID #: Recommend adding Organizational Data for Donor Reference
Reporting Unit ID (cont’d) OSD DHRA: OSD FA DTSA:
CFCNCA Nexus “eGiving” Pledge Donor logs on to to fill out the pledge form on “eGiving” with a twist – the donor must still print and submit form to Keyworker (except credit/debit/echeck) Ensures eligibility of donor information, eliminates math errors Reduces cost of producing hard copy paper pledges so more money goes to charities Keyworker reviews for accuracy (except credit/debit/echeck)
CFCNCA “eGiving” Via NEXUS
Paper Pledge Form
Paper Pledge Form #1 #2 #6 #5 #4 #3 #7 Key Points 1. CFC Reporting Number (may be filled in by keyworker) to ensure organization receives credit for the pledge. 2. Social Security Number required for Payroll Pledges only. 3. Write in 5-digit charity code and corresponding contributions. If contributing to more than five charities additional Pledge Forms must be used. 4. Payroll contributors must check Military or Civilian box, complete “Pay Period Amount” and “Total Gift”. 5. Cash contributors need to check the “Cash” or “Check” box and record the dollar amount. Checks payable to “Combined Federal Campaign”. 6. Optional field – required only if the donor would like their contact information released to their charity(ies). 7. Signature and date required for Payroll Pledges only.
Pledge Types Where does it go? Designated Use the 5-digit charity code to select an approved charity Undesignated Donations without a charity selected Distributions made in the same proportion as charities receiving designations
Confidential Gifts How to process a Confidential Gift Receive completed Pledge Form with cash, check or payroll copy in a sealed white envelope Ensure Reporting # is on Pledge Form “I give to several causes that have great personal meaning to me. I appreciate that I am able to make my contributions in a way that remains completely confidential.” – 2013 Donor
StepGift by Cash or Check 1 Keyworker provides contributor with a personalized Pledge Form (with CFCNCA Reporting Number filled in) or Donor uses online Print and Submit pledge. 2 Contributor completes Pledge Form and places WHITE copy along with cash or check into a white business size envelope. Contributor retains BLUE copy and destroys YELLOW copy of Pledge Form. 3 Contributor seals envelope, writes CFC Reporting Number and “Confidential Pledge” on the front of the envelope, and delivers to keyworker. 4 Keyworker delivers sealed white envelope to Team Leader or Coordinator attached to a Form 100 envelope Confidential Gifts (2 Scenarios) StepGift by Payroll Deduction 1 Keyworker provides contributor with a personalized Pledge Form (with CFCNCA Reporting Number filled in) or Donor uses online Print and Submit pledge. 2 Contributor completes Pledge Form and places WHITE and YELLOW copies into white business size envelope. Contributor retains BLUE copy of Pledge Form. 3 Contributor seals envelope, writes CFC Reporting Number and “Confidential Pledge” on the front of the envelope, and delivers to keyworker. 4 Keyworker delivers sealed white envelope to Team Leader or Coordinator attached to a Form 100 envelope
Special Events Form 150 Form 150 is to be completed with all special event donations Keyworker fills out form and inserts in the White Copy section of the Form 100 Recommend submitting separately
Form 100 Pledge Form Carrier
Cash or Check Pledge Payroll Deduction Pledge eGiving Pledge Processing (NEXUS)
Paper Pledge Form Processing Step # Keyworker Action 1Review Pledge Form for accuracy 2Remove and discard Pledge Form cover 3Return Pledge Form BLUE copy to contributor and thank them 4Separate WHITE from YELLOW copy and place in separate stacks 5Attach cash or checks to the WHITE copy 6 Using information from the WHITE copy, complete the “Keyworker’s Summary” on the Pledge Form Carrier (Form 100) 7 Insert WHITE copies into the Form 100 pocket labeled “WHITE copies only” 8 Insert YELLOW copies into the Form 100 pocket labeled “YELLOW copies only” 9 Staple envelopes containing confidential gifts to upper right corner of Carrier 10Xerox a copy of completed Keyworkers’ Summary for your records 11Return unsealed Pledge Form Carrier to Team Leader or Coordinator Blue Copy White Copy Yellow Copy To Donor
Pledge Form Carrier Form 100 #Explanation 1Complete “TO,” “FROM” and CFC Reporting Number 2 Use WHITE copies of Pledge Form to complete the remaining blocks on the Form Count the number of gifts by payroll deduction and enter total. Add associated dollar amounts and enter total. 4 Count the number of gifts by cash/check and enter total. Add associated dollar amounts and enter total. 5Count the number of confidential gifts and enter total. 6 Add total for Special Events. Accompanying Form 150 required for the Special Event. 7 Enter number of payroll, cash/ check, confidential gifts, and add total dollar amounts (to include Special Events) 8Enter the number of Eagle and Double Eagle awards
Pledge Processing Tips Do not accept out of area Pledge Forms Keep completed Pledge Forms secure Turn in results promptly to Payroll Office / make regular bank deposits Ensure the chain of custody of CFCNCA deposits
Pledge Processing Tips (cont’d) Avoid misrouting yellow Pledge Forms yellow Place them only in the yellow section of the Pledge Form Carrier (Form 100) Ensure Pledge Forms from donors are filled out completely and correctly. Common mistakes to look out for include: Missing authorization signature for payroll deduction pledges Cash or checks not included with completed Pledge Forms Missing CFCNCA reporting unit number Pay period deduction amount not matching total annual deduction amount
Summary Personally invite each employee to make a donation 100% informed opportunity to give “Make the Ask” in person Become an expert in campaign administration Methods of giving, Pledge Form Carrier, etc. Say “Thank You” to everyone approached As a Keyworker, you are KEY to a Successful Campaign As a Keyworker, you are KEY to a Successful Campaign
Final Exam As a Keyworker, you are KEY to a Successful Campaign As a Keyworker, you are KEY to a Successful Campaign
Final Exam As a Keyworker, you are KEY to a Successful Campaign As a Keyworker, you are KEY to a Successful Campaign
Thank You for Making it Possible We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill