J. Milito & Associates, Inc. We have been successfully conducting telephone fundraising for the past 15 years We work exclusively with Arts, Academic, Community, Religious and Health and Human Service organizations in Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Missouri.
Services we provide… Annual appeal follow up which include renewals, upgrades and acquisition Additional gift asks Capital Campaign ‘clean-up’ Membership renewals Naming opportunities Planned giving leads generation and Prospect cultivation Thank you calls and more…..
The calling team of J. Milito & Associates, Inc. has more than 60 years of combined telephone fundraising experience
Did you know… There are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the USA, with more being added every day 50% of all nonprofits in the USA use telephone fundraising Americans donate more than $10.5 billion annually to nonprofit organization who use professional telephone fundraising services Last year more than 70% of all American households were solicited for gifts via the phone
According to statistical evidence gathered by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the main reason why people don’t give to charitable organizations Is….
Nobody asked them
The human voice is the most powerful tool to use when connecting with your donors It’s the next best thing to being face-to-face with your donor It affords two-way conversation and provides valuable information that you can use to update your records and do future marketing It helps to build new and stronger relationships
5-easy steps to get ready for a telephone fundraising campaign… Strategy planning Records preparation Script development and fulfillment Training and kick off Campaign reporting
Strategy planning Who to call What time of year to call When to call Where to call from Why are we raising money
Records Preparation Current donors Lapsed donors Never donors Who are… Alumni, friends, parents, grandparents, vendors, employees, teachers In other words, everyone with a connection to your school
Script and Fulfillment See handout of typical script and calling sheet that can be used for initial fulfillment
Training and Kickoff Recruit lots of volunteers Formula for estimating how many calling hours you will need
Campaign reporting How many pledges How many refusals How many send info requests How many records not contacted Total $$$ Average $$$ pledge
Catholic High School Telephone Fundraising Statistics Stats are from January 2011 School is 9-12, co-ed, 130 years old, 4 generations: Phone-a-thon is always done in January for the last 10 years 3,041 records consisted of donors and non-donors who were alumni, parents, friends 70.35% database penetration 612 pledges, reaped $64, in gifts of support Average pledge $ Total per record cost was $12, Cost per $1.00 pledged was $.19 ROI was $5.26 for each dollar spent 81 of the 612 gifts were >LY or 13.23% of all gifts 7 gifts greater than $1, commemorative gifts to honor 130 years of Catholic education hours spent on the telephone
Christian High School Telephone Fundraising Stat… Stats are from October 2010 school is 9-12, co-ed 1,329 records consisted of current and lapsed donors who were alumni, parents, friends (no NON donors were called) 83.72% database penetration 592 pledges, reaped $69, in gifts of support Average pledge $ Total per record cost was $5, Cost per $1.00 pledged was $.07 ROI was $12.65 for each dollar spent 276 of the 592 gifts were >LY or 46.62% of all gifts 4 gifts greater than $1, hours spent on the telephone
Grade School Telephone Fundraising Stat… Stats are from 2010 School is PK-8, co-ed, Christian 1,694 records consisted of donors and non-donors who were alumni, parents, friends, some businesses 72.51% database penetration 455 pledges, reaped $51, in gifts of support Average pledge $ Total per record cost was $5, Cost per $1.00 pledged was $.10 ROI was $9.22 for each dollar spent 137 of the 455 gifts were >LY or 30.10% of all gifts 1 gift greater than $1, hours spent on the telephone for this campaign
Our company 2010/2011 report card 67 clients served 179 separate campaigns 112,280 records completed $1,892, raised 15,161 pledges – 13.5% pledge rate $ average pledge $.20 / $1.00 client cost to raise a dollar $4.86 / $1.00 ROI
Put us to work for you… As a follow up to any direct mail solicitation Renew donors Upgrade donors Acquire NEW donors Monthly sustainer programs Capital campaign ‘clean-up’ Thank you calls Reminder/Stewardship calls
…”It’s for you Bob. It’s your Alumni Association.” Let us help you reach your constituents!!
References Marigale Watts Harrington, Trinity High School, Director Of Alumnae Relations or Michelle DeGroot, Hudsonville Christian School, Assistant to the Administrative Principal or
Juddee Milito CFRE, President J. Milito & Associates, Inc. Cell is