The USA Responds Why, When, and How the United States joined the Allies in World War 1
The Somme, Ypres, Vimy Why was the US not involved? YpresSomme Vimy Ridge Shell Shock
The War at Sea Submarines: German U-Boat The British navy was strong, but the Germans had a sneaky fleet of submarines that launched attacks on ships that approached Britain. They used torpedos. Sinking of the Lusitania : May 2 nd, 1915 The Lusitania was a British passenger liner that was hit and sunk by a German U-Boat Result = 1195 passengers were killed, including 198 American passengers. (All civilians) The deaths of the American passengers outraged the American people The Sussex Pledge: 1916 The Sussex Pledge meant that German U-Boats had to warn ships before attacking them when they approached Britain This pledge was demanded by US President Woodrow Wilson after the Germans attacked a French Passenger ship US President Wilson demanded that Germany follow the Sussex Pledge, or else the USA would stop/cut trade with them
Why Did America Declare War on Germany? Sussex Pledge Broken: February, 1917 Germany broke the Sussex Pledge by resuming the unrestricted submarine warfare. Germany declared they would attack and sink ANY ship that approached Britain (military, supply, passenger). USA Declares War on Germany: April 6 th, 1917 USA broke diplomatic relations with Germany after they broke their promise regarding the Sussex Pledge American passenger liner Housatonic sunk in February, 1917 & 4 American merchant ships were sunk in March, 1917 April 2 nd, 1917 President Woodrow Wilson delivers a pro war speech, that was favored by congress April 6 th, 1917 USA declares war on Germany
America Joins the War When? Declared war on April 6 th, 1917, and arrived in Europe in the summer. How Many? 100, 000 men were ready when the US entered the war. After President Wilson adopted conscription (draft), more than 2 million soldiers served on the battlefields of Western Europe. Death rate: over 50, 000. The American Impact: Mood: American soldiers were fresh and not war weary Economic: Britain was spending millions on arms and supplies for the allies America entering the war stopped the allies from bankruptcy Reinforcement: US forces aided in holding back Germany’s “final push” on the Allies and the Western front US presence was not only important on land in Europe, but also at sea in reinforcing Britain's naval blockade of Germany
British Naval Blockade What Was it? Between 1917 and 1918, the British navy blockaded German Sea ports, therefore ships could not enter or leave. Effect Result: supplies and food shortages to the point of severe rationing, both on the battlefield and at home. Food: handouts of turnip, potatoes, and saw-dusty bread Supplies: fuel shortages leading to power cuts, factories closing, transport no longer running Germany was grinding to a halt, and the longer the war went on, the worse conditions became.
READ: In your textbook, read: Page 24, “War on the High Seas” Page 36-37, “The Hundred Days, 1918”.