The History of 4-H
Since 4-H was founded in 1902, it has grown to become the nation's largest youth development organization. 4-H helps young people and their families gain skills to be proactive forces in the communities. It has opened the door for young people to learn leadership skills and explore ways to give back.
The First Decade: The Beginning of 4-H 1902-1912 In the late 1890's 4-H programs began throughout the country as boys and girls clubs. Not one individual can be credited with the origination of the 4-H program. In 1901, an Ohio school principal promoted vocational agriculture in out-of-school clubs. In 1902, A. B. Graham formed a club of boys and girls with officers, projects, meetings, and record requirements.
The First Official 4-H Club
In 1907, the first emblem used nationally was designed by O. H In 1907, the first emblem used nationally was designed by O.H. Benson as a three leaf clover: Head, Heart, and Hands. In 1911, Benson suggested that “Hustle” should be added as a fourth clover and the revised 4-H clover was adopted. Later that year O. B. Martin suggested to replace Hustle with Health. The emblem has stood for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health every since.
The Second Decade 1913-1922 In 1918, “4-H Club” was used for the first time in a federal document. In 1921, the National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work was formed.
The Third Decade 1923-1932 After World War 1, 4-H started to focus on becoming more organized. National 4-H Club Congress grew into two Annual National Tours. In 1924 , the 4-H name and emblem was patented.
In 1927, State 4-H Leaders adopted the 4-H pledge and the 4-H Motto: I Pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service, and my Health to better living, For my club, my community, my country, and my world. The 4-H Motto To Make the best better
The Fourth Decade 1933-1942 National boys and girls clubs started to expand 4-H activities. However due to World War II, expansion halted. 4-H established seven goals to help World War II. Three of those goals dealt directly with producing more food. At the end of 1942, 4-H had enrolled 650,000 new members.
The Fifth Decade 1943-1952 In 1943, 4-H reached a peak of 1.6 million. By 1945, the amount of completed 4-H projects was over 76 percent. Also, 4-Her's joined campaigns to collect essentials for the war time efforts.
The Sixth Decade 1953-1962 Asia, Europe, and Latin America established 4-H organizations. In 1959, President Eisenhower participated in the dedication ceremonies for the National 4-H Center
The Seventh Decade 1932-1972 Extension Committee on Organization and 4-H subcommittee agreed on encouraging the participation of minorities in national 4-H events. In Chicago, a national workshop was designed for disadvantaged youth and was expanded in rural and urban areas in 1966.
The Eighth Decade 1973-1982 The National Pledge was changed in the 1973 adding “.... and my world” to the end of the pledge. Membership in 4-H grew to 7 million youth in 1974.
The Ninth Decade 1983-1992 4-H explored new technology and had major focus on National Extension Initiatives. A study from 4-H Alumni was done in 1985 about the long-term impact of 4-H. They concluded that 4-H will have a powerful affect for decades.
4-H Present 4-H was not born over night. It was developed over years though hard work and dedication. 4-H still brings communities together. It is an amazing program that ties together resources to help better youth.
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