Building Panhellenic Spirit What Every Collegiate Woman Needs to Know About the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC)
What Is NPC? Umbrella/cooperative organization for the 26 women’s fraternities/sororities that are members Founded in 1902 Headquarters in Indianapolis
NPC Mission The National Panhellenic Conference is the premier advocacy and support organization for the advancement of the sorority experience.
What Is NPC? NPC is made up of 26 member organizations that each have one vote no matter the size. Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Epsilon Phi Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi Alpha Sigma Alpha Alpha Sigma Tau Alpha Xi Delta Chi Omega Delta Delta Delta Delta Gamma Delta Phi Epsilon Delta Zeta Gamma Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Phi Mu Phi Sigma Sigma Pi Beta Phi Sigma Delta Tau Sigma Kappa Sigma Sigma Sigma Theta Phi Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha
What Is NPC? Each NPC member group appoints a delegation to the Conference The NPC board of directors Delegate from each member group The Executive Committee Chairman (in rotation) Vice chairman (in rotation) Budget and Finance Committee chairman (appointed) Advocacy chairman (appointed) College Panhellenics Committee chairman (appointed)
What Is NPC? All delegation members serve on either the College Panhellenics or Alumnae Panhellenics committees, typically in area advisor roles College Panhellenics and Alumnae Panhellenics are local chapters of NPC The College Panhellenic on your campus (NPC chapter) is connected to NPC through the area advisor.
Our Role in the College Panhellenic There is a chapter delegate from each member group on campus. Each delegate/member group has one vote. The chapter delegates contact their NPC delegate when there is a Panhellenic vote on: Extension Recruitment rules Total
Each Panhellenic woman on campus is a member of the College Panhellenic Association. Responsibilities of every Panhellenic woman: Promote sorority life to potential new members. Build cooperative relationships and friendships with other Panhellenic women. Represent NPC and her fraternity with high standards and integrity in her college community and beyond. Our Role in the College Panhellenic
NPC Unanimous Agreements & Policies Unanimous Agreements Since 1902, the member groups of NPC have unanimously agreed to pursue certain procedures and ethics, which lead to orderly and ethical conduct. Each inter/national president signs the Unanimous Agreements indicating that every alumna and collegiate member will abide by and honor the Unanimous Agreements. These agreements must be incorporated into College Panhellenic and Alumnae Panhellenic procedures and are binding on all chapters of NPC member groups. Policies Policies adopted by the majority vote of the NPC delegations An effective Panhellenic adopts and implements the resolutions that are relevant to the efficient operations of the organization.
UA – The Panhellenic Compact 1.A woman who is or who has ever been an initiated member of an existing NPC fraternity shall not be eligible for membership in another NPC fraternity. 5.If through the primary membership recruitment process, a potential member receives a bid and declines it, then she is ineligible to be pledged to another NPC fraternity on the same campus until the beginning of the next year’s primary membership recruitment period. 10.A woman who has accepted a bid either through primary or COB recruitment and who has had her pledge broken by an NPC fraternity or has broken her pledge, may be repledged by the same NPC fraternity chapter on the campus at any time before the beginning of the next year’s primary membership recruitment period, even if the chapter is over total.
UA – Standards of Ethical Conduct 1.NPC fraternities shall impress upon their undergraduate and alumnae members that they shall respect and obey the letter and the spirit of all NPC Unanimous Agreements. 2.In case of Panhellenic difficulties, all chapters involved shall do their utmost to restore harmony and prevent publicity, both in the college and the community. 3.NPC denounces the arbitrary priority rating of women’s fraternities. 5.NPC fraternity members shall not suggest to any potential member that she refuse a bid …
UA – Standards of Ethical Conduct 6.It is in accord with the dignity and good manners of fraternity women to: a. Avoid disparaging remarks about any fraternity or college woman. b. Create friendly relations between fraternity and nonfraternity women. c. Avoid negative publicity on Panhellenic matters.
UA – Standards of Ethical Conduct 7.NPC discourages the use of Greek-letter fraternity names and insignia in inappropriate or distasteful commercial advertising. 9.National Panhellenic Conference supports all efforts to eliminate hazing.
UA – College Panhellenic Association Agreement 1.Establishment & Regulation of a CPH a.A College Panhellenic Association shall be established where two or more NPC fraternities have installed undergraduate chapters. d. Each installed NPC fraternity chapter shall have one vote.
UA – College Panhellenic Association Agreement 2.Establishment and Regulation of Membership Recruitment c. Each College Panhellenic Association shall prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages in membership recruitment and Bid Day activities. d. Each College Panhellenic Association shall prohibit the participation of men in membership recruitment and Bid Day activities.
UA X – Protecting the Right of NPC Members to Remain Women-Only Organizations 1.The women’s fraternities of the National Panhellenic Conference have the right to confine their membership to women and shall defend their right to exist as single-sex organizations. 2. Auxiliaries : Each College Panhellenic shall denounce the participation of undergraduate Panhellenic women in auxiliary groups to men’s fraternities. 3. Men’s Recruitment : Each College Panhellenic shall denounce the participation of Panhellenic women in men’s fraternity events when or where the primary purpose is recruitment.
Policies & Best Practices to Note No Frills Recruitment (1989, 1991, 1997, 2003) Disassociation During Recruitment (2003)
Alcohol Accountability and Education (2009) Events With Recognized Fraternities (2003) Social Event/Peer Monitoring (1996) Policies & Best Practices to Note
Resources on the NPC Website Visit:
Resources on the NPC Website Panhellenic Education About NPC: mission, history, chapter standards, annual reports College Panhellenics Only Resources: PowerPoint presentations on member groups and judicial procedures NPC documents: important resolutions and Unanimous Agreements Member Development NPC Programs (under College Panhellenics only) “Something to Talk About: Confrontation” “Focus on Self-Esteem” Additional Resources NPC Store: publications, jewelry and supplies The Sorority Life materials: banners for website
“The Sorority Life” Created for PNMs Chapter locator shows where sororities are internationally News Educate members on what NPC is telling PNMs about recruitment My College Lifestyle Share your story with NPC by uploading answers, photos and video Is She? List of notable Panhellenic alumnae Visit:
Sorority Parents Created for parents featuring real parent bloggers Answers to commonly asked parent questions Let NPC know whether your parent might be interested in blogging at Visit:
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Advancing Sorority Together We, as Undergraduate Members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, as Fraternity Women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.
Contact NPC NPC office NPC area advisors NPC Executive Committee