Insure Tennessee
Insure Tennessee proposal Hospital role in funding Who benefits Outreach plans Overview
Alternative Medicaid expansion approach focused on: –Personal responsibility –Cost –Healthcare reform Provide health insurance coverage to more than 200,000 uninsured Tennesseans who earn less than 138 percent FPL Creates no new taxes thanks to commitment from Tennessee’s hospitals Insure Tennessee Proposal
Insure Tennessee is the next step in Tennessee’s Delivery System Reform Initiative, which launched in 2013 The main focus of the initiative to date has been on aligning incentives at the provider level through payment reform Insure Tennessee is designed to align incentives at the consumer level by promoting personal responsibility Insure Tennessee Proposal
Insure Tennessee will leverage the enhanced federal funding which will pay for between 90 and 100 percent of the cost. Once the federal match decreases below 100 percent in 2017, Tennessee hospitals have committed to covering the state’s portion of the cost. The program will automatically terminate in the event that either federal funding or support from the hospitals is modified in any way. Insure Tennessee Proposal
The plan must be approved by the Tennessee General Assembly and receive formal approval from federal officials at CMS before implementation. Governor Bill Haslam has called a special legislative session to address the proposal. –Begins Monday, Feb. 2 –Expected to last one to two weeks Insure Tennessee Proposal
THA’s board of directors unanimously voted to cover the state’s portion of the cost for Insure Tennessee. Funding will be provided through the annual hospital assessment. Latitude in the assessment will cover any additional cost to the state beginning in 2017 The Role of Hospitals
More than 400,000 uninsured Tennesseans below 138 percent FPL could qualify for coverage. Approximately 25,000 of these individuals are veterans. More than half of the eligible population is employed. Insure Tennessee will bring needed coverage to hard-working individuals. Who Benefits?
Legislators must hear from constituents –Hospital leaders –Trustees –Business leaders –Community leaders The ask of legislators is simple: –Please support the governor’s Insure Tennessee plan. –If they cannot yet pledge to support the plan, ask them to hold off making any commitment until they learn more about Insure Tennessee. THA Outreach
Resources to support outreach at –Discussion points –Health and economic impact handouts Statewide Urban and rural comparison County-specific –Details about the hospital assessment Materials from Coalition for a Healthy Tennessee – THA Outreach
Legislative Day on the Hill –Tuesday, Feb. 3 –Briefings at Polk Theater in Tennessee Performing Arts Center 9:30 a.m. CT 11:30 a.m. CT –Boxed lunches available from noon to 1 p.m. –Primary focus is to meet with legislators and/or attend committee hearings THA Outreach
Contact THA –Craig Becker, –Beth Berry, –Joe Burchfield, More Information