Stewardship in the Hispanic Culture Best Practices Reverend Theo Trujillo St. Mary Magdalene Church, Simpsonville, SC Vicar for Hispanic Ministry, Diocese.


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Presentation transcript:

Stewardship in the Hispanic Culture Best Practices Reverend Theo Trujillo St. Mary Magdalene Church, Simpsonville, SC Vicar for Hispanic Ministry, Diocese of Charleston

Stewardship in the Hispanic Culture What comes to mind when I say the word “Hispanic”? What countries do Hispanics come from?

Misconceptions and Realities They are all the same Cultural and geographic differences Understanding of the Church/liturgy Education Immigration experience

Hispanics and the Catholic Church in the U.S.A and Atlanta Province Current Numbers  35% of all U.S. Catholics are of Hispanic origin  In 12 years it is projected that Hispanics will be the majority of all Catholics in the U.S.  Since 1960 Hispanics have accounted for 71% of growth in the Catholic Church  Most Rapid growth of Hispanics is in the South  50% of all U.S. Catholics under the age of 29 are Hispanic  Of 472 churches in the Atlanta Province 227 celebrate at least one Mass in Spanish each weekend (48%) *Statistics from the Pew Research Center and the U.S. Census

St. Mary Magdalene – Simpsonville, SC Parish Vision and Mission Statement  Called By Christ. Growing in Faith. Serving With Love.  St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church is a diverse parish family called to be one in Christ. We are committed to serve God, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, demonstrating stewardship as a way of life History of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church  From Staff Service to Key Lay Leaders Service Parish Mass Statistics  November 2008: 4 English Masses and 1 Spanish Mass  April 2012: 2 Spanish, 5 English, 1 Polish Mass Spanish Mass Attendance in 2008:400 people Spanish Mass Attendance in 2012:1700 people We are one community, multi-cultural, multi-lingual with MANY ministries

St. Mary Magdalene Foundational Road Map for Stewardship Pastor promotes one vision and mission for the entire parish. One Pastoral Plan – not two separate plans – EVERYBODY is included! We have a Parish Stewardship Council and Parish Stewardship and Ministry Coordinator Everyone is working in the same direction – parish staff, ministry leaders, councils, committees, education leaders, clergy, etc…

…..continued Compartir vs. Coresponsibilidad  Be consistent  Use the same expression and explain this expression clearly Inclusion of Hispanics in leadership roles – not liaisons. Bi-lingual members and some bi- cultural.  Staff, Finance, Pastoral, Stewardship, Communication, Welcome, Liturgy, etc…

Practical Tips for Promoting Stewardship to Hispanics Communication  Mass Homilies  Ministries  Bible Studies  Bulletin Announcements  The Prayers of the Faithful  Parish Survey  Personal Invitation from the Pastor Communication and collaboration within councils and committees helps build bridges between English and Spanish speaking communities Communication helps develop stewardship

….continued Stewardship Renewal– every year!  Same presentations in English and Spanish  Time  Talent  Treasure Continuous Invitation  Encourage Attendance  Masses  Liturgical Events  Social Events  Formation Programs for youth, adults, couples, etc…  Promote Different Ministries and Invite Them to Participate

….continued Bi-lingual catechists – classes are in English Some programs are offered in English and Spanish Examples  Confirmation Parents Meeting  Quarterly New Parishioner Social – everyone is included!  Living Your Strengths –English and Spanish sessions  Crown Financial Ministry- English and Spanish sessions  Catholicism Project: Fr. Robert Barron- English and Spanish sessions  Bilingual Mass on Thanksgiving and at 11am on Christmas  Offered Spanish Translation during our 3-Day Parish Mission with Fr. Mahan.

Best Practices For Stewardship Renewal Talent Appeal Communicate same message for everybody Invite all to fill out a pledge card Actively promote registrations at the same time – take advantage of this opportunity Use these appeals wisely – to educate and communicate importance of registrations as well as participating in the life of the parish

Best Practices For Stewardship Renewal Treasure Appeal Cultural differences in giving  United States culture envelopes and pledging is popular  In the Hispanic culture, community building events are ways to promote giving of treasure. Important to keep teaching the significance of using envelopes and parish registration – don’t give up! Tithing is the ultimate goal “Small step” approach  Mass attendance  Registration  Regular envelope use

Conclusion Learn year to year Be thoughtful and adjust Evaluate how to accommodate and serve better each year “One Community – Multi-Cultural – Multi- Lingual – Many Ministries” Called by Christ. Growing in Faith. Serving with Love.