Welcome to { Please visit our demo website and self-register to take a free tour any time.} Customizable features on the home page include: a custom graphic banner, company information in the top black banner, custom text below the pledging boxes, and a self-registration or pre-registered employees.
One option for users is a self-registration process.
The other option is to pre-load employees and assign usernames and passwords.
The pledge form allows the payment types below. You may use one or all of them. A troubleshooting bar rests above the pledge form.
When the employee selects a pledge type, the appropriate form appears.
Customizable pay periods will appear for payroll contributions. The employee can then select an amount per pay period and have the total annual gift confirmed to the left.
The tool can display either single charities or federation style listings with + and – tools to collapse and expand. A mission statement and information is displayed.
The employee can then add multiple charities to the selection list at the right to designate a gift amount for each charity.
The employee can also search charity names and mission statements for key words, such as “cancer.”
An option questionnaire can be used or hidden. Once the employee allocates funds, they may enter their pledge.
The employee will then land on a confirmation screen.
The employee can access, print or their pledge record (and history) at any time during the designated campaign period.
For specially selected users (indicated by the client) such as payroll specialists, an extra menu bar will be activated for their account so they can download reports.
These payroll users can also utilize a pledge processing tool.
Client Website Examples
Client Website Example 1
Client Website Example 2
Client Website Example 3
Client Website Example 4
Overview of Customizations Branded black banner with company or campaign name Graphical banner {800 x 200} for landing page Text portion on landing page. Graphics and rich text is supported. Custom URL {e.g. Payment options {choose between payroll, check, cash, credit/debit} Can accommodate both single charities and federation style listings Can customize a specific charity list per division/work site Assign access to payroll specialists to process pledges and download reports