B u y O n e G e t O n e F r e e ‘Special Offer’ 33% Extra Free!
Instructions Think you're a savvy shopper? Do you spot a good deal, or does the shop make a steal? The aim of this game is to work out which of the offers is the better deal. The stealer may try to trip you up so pay close attention to the prices on offer. Can you beat the stealer to become a shopping sensation?
1. Deal or Steal? ? ? 4 x pack of Wine Gums £3.00? If you buy the multipack, each pack of sweets cost 75p, that’s 12p more than a single pack! 1 x pack of Wine Gums 63p?
2. Deal or Steal? ?? The special offer actually costs 97p more than buying 3 individual tins! A single tin of tuna costing £1.57? ‘Special Offer’ 3 x tin multipack tuna costing £5.68?
3. Deal or Steal? ? ? If you buy 3 bottles of fizzy cola drink you will save £1.05 than if you bought them separately. 1 single bottle of fizzy cola drink at £1.35? 3 bottles of fizzy cola drink for £3.00? Deal
4.Deal or Steal? ? ? Although each individual roll in the 12 pack costs less than the rolls in the 9 pack it is still not the better deal. If the 3 extra rolls really were free then both packs would cost exactly the same - £ rolls of toilet roll + get 1/3 free £ rolls of toilet roll £6.50
5. Deal or Steal? ? ? If you buy the 4kg Washing Powder you will save 59p 2kg Washing Powder £6.79 (25 washes) ‘Value Pack’ 4kg Washing Powder £12.99 (50 washes) Deal
6. Deal or Steal? ? ? If you buy 2 packs of the 400g block of cheese you will save 20p and get an extra 100g. 400g block of cheese £ g ‘Great Value’ twin pack of cheese £5.98
7. Deal or Steal? ? ? If you buy 3 individual tins of sweetcorn you will pay the same amount as the ‘value pack’! ‘Bigger Value Pack’ sweetcorn x 3 tins £1.20 1x tin sweetcorn £0.40
8.Deal or Steal? ? ? If you buy 2 x 100g jars of instant coffee you will save 71p Instant Coffee 100g £2.49 ‘Extra Value’ Instant Coffee 200g £5.69
Did you beat the Stealer? ?
Do you think you need one of these to go shopping?
Not so special ‘special offers’ rogues’ gallery mer-rights/the-supermarket-special- offers-that-arent-so-special /